
the hierarchy isn't an issue either.. just move birds around to break it up (I am assume you will have them banded anyway) when you go to put them back.. since they will be a project flock anyway and will still be within sight of each other it shouldn't affect laying much.. and if it does you still have your layer flock of other birds to help keep you in eating eggs

Lorday - eating eggs won't be a problem. I am gonna have more eggs than I or my neighbors are going to be able to handle.
We got rain last night!!
Finally lots of lovely rain! We even have puddles!
My girls are out now having a ball catching bugs in the wet grass.
Sooo glad we finally got some moisture here.

Oh, I previously mentioned my little demon chick who was attacking and hurting the other chicks. I kept him in solitary for 4 days and then I put him back in with the others. He immediately tried to go back to his bullying ways, but a small pack of the others seem to have decided they are the "chick police" and they watch him closely. As soon as he tries to peck anyones eyes they swarm him, chase him to a corner and each peck his head.
This happened quite a few times in the first few hours after I put him back in, and they also shunned him from the group sleeping piles. But as the afternoon wore on he had to be disciplined less and less and they gradually let him join their chickie sleeping groups. He is doing much better today, so looks like I won't have to maintain a separate pen for him through his entire growing up time after all.
He is still doing an occasional run-by tail yanking but the others are keeping him in line. As ornery as he is, if he really is a little roo then he will probably still be dinner when he grows up, but not having to raise him separate from the others will be much easier.
I always use towels on top of my brooders during cooler weather.. by pulling them back a bit or covering them up a little more it's easy to control the temps inside

Just be careful that they don't get too close to the heat lamps if you have the lamp hanging above the top

I got a nice little brooder my husband built me, its a wooden box with a bulb inside and a dimmer switch that controls the light I can control the how much heat is put out with it it has a wire bottom and a slide out drop tray for easy cleaning.the lid has a wire window to help with circulation this is what I cover with a towel to help keep the heat in on really cold nights. Can't you tell I like my baby brooder :D
There's a few picks of it on my profile pics
Hey there everybody! I'm in North Texas, Garland to be specific and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could take a chicken class or where the best place to purchase chickens is? I found a feed store in old N Garland but their chickens are rather pricey and I just want egg layers. Any information would be great! Thanks!
Hey there everybody! I'm in North Texas, Garland to be specific and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could take a chicken class or where the best place to purchase chickens is? I found a feed store in old N Garland but their chickens are rather pricey and I just want egg layers. Any information would be great! Thanks!

What are you considering "rather pricey"?
I awoke to a layer of snow on the ground this morning, with more large flakes coming down fast. The ducks love all the mud and snow, it doesn't bother them a wee bit. The chickens are sulking inside their pen. The geese aren't sure what to think.

Greatful for all this snow and rain!

~ Aspen
Hey there everybody! I'm in North Texas, Garland to be specific and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could take a chicken class or where the best place to purchase chickens is? I found a feed store in old N Garland but their chickens are rather pricey and I just want egg layers. Any information would be great! Thanks!

What kind of chicken classes are you looking for?
I awoke to a layer of snow on the ground this morning, with more large flakes coming down fast. The ducks love all the mud and snow, it doesn't bother them a wee bit. The chickens are sulking inside their pen. The geese aren't sure what to think.

Greatful for all this snow and rain!

~ Aspen

eww... eww.. icky white stuff!

Glad you got the snow and we didn't.. I hate that stuff

*looks outside* snow!?!? Rain!?!?! Its 75 and sunny here lol

64 here.. a little breezy... I don't mind the rain so much.. but I hate that icky cold white stuff....

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