
Two live traps set tonight
What do y'all use for bait?

Corn is a good one for most critters.
Awhile back there was an article on BYC about table top/table high brooders. Instead of coming in from above to clean, add feed and water basically you come in from the side and at the same height as the chicks. I can't find the article now for the life of me but it talked about how much calmer the chicks were because they were not being approached from above. It made so much sense I thought I'd try it. IT WORKS, lol. My new lings are so calm and they don't scramble when I open the side. If I try to reach over they run. YAY for whoever wrote the article
who knows the best place to get laying chickens around the DFW area?

my coop is almost done and i'll be looking for some layers to start with, then get some chickens once we get everything up and running and our soon to be baby boy gets a bit older.

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