
Hello everyone! I'm new here and new to raising chickens, but not new to raising animals in general. I'm a true red, white, and blue country girl through and through. My family and extended family moved and got some land out in a rural area in east central part of Texas where there are mostly ranchers (which is most of Texas, lol!) so we could be close together to help each other out in bad times. We are developing a homestead as quickly as we can. My extended family has a 5 year head start on us, but we're getting there.

At the moment, we have chosen to raise Orpington chickens. I have two lavender and four buff Orpingtons. Just finished building my coop and pen.

I would love to get a dwarf or Nubian goat for milking, but do not as of yet have anything built for them, so it will be awhile yet. I also want turkeys very badly! I know they are noisy and loud, but I LOVE turkey!!! I just want a couple a year because I like to eat two turkeys every year: for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, I plan on getting an African Goose to act as an alarm/warning for my chickens in case of predators. We have a family of racoons living on our property who refuse to live elsewhere and a lot of hawks. My roosters are not working out very well, and honestly, my girls are so sick of the roosters they run so fast toward me when I go out to let them out in the AM, with a desperate look on their faces, and they want OUT of the pen and away from the roosters. I guess we'll be having some yummy chicken for dinner very soon.

Happy to be a part of BYC and look forward to talking with y'all! I've been lurking for a bit and finally decided to take the plunge.
Hello everyone! I'm new here and new to raising chickens, but not new to raising animals in general. I'm a true red, white, and blue country girl through and through. My family and extended family moved and got some land out in a rural area in east central part of Texas where there are mostly ranchers (which is most of Texas, lol!) so we could be close together to help each other out in bad times. We are developing a homestead as quickly as we can. My extended family has a 5 year head start on us, but we're getting there.

At the moment, we have chosen to raise Orpington chickens. I have two lavender and four buff Orpingtons. Just finished building my coop and pen.

I would love to get a dwarf or Nubian goat for milking, but do not as of yet have anything built for them, so it will be awhile yet. I also want turkeys very badly! I know they are noisy and loud, but I LOVE turkey!!! I just want a couple a year because I like to eat two turkeys every year: for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, I plan on getting an African Goose to act as an alarm/warning for my chickens in case of predators. We have a family of racoons living on our property who refuse to live elsewhere and a lot of hawks. My roosters are not working out very well, and honestly, my girls are so sick of the roosters they run so fast toward me when I go out to let them out in the AM, with a desperate look on their faces, and they want OUT of the pen and away from the roosters. I guess we'll be having some yummy chicken for dinner very soon.

Happy to be a part of BYC and look forward to talking with y'all! I've been lurking for a bit and finally decided to take the plunge.
You beat me here. I was just about to tag you.
Welcome to the Texas thread!
Hello everyone! I'm new here and new to raising chickens, but not new to raising animals in general. I'm a true red, white, and blue country girl through and through. My family and extended family moved and got some land out in a rural area in east central part of Texas where there are mostly ranchers (which is most of Texas, lol!) so we could be close together to help each other out in bad times. We are developing a homestead as quickly as we can. My extended family has a 5 year head start on us, but we're getting there.

At the moment, we have chosen to raise Orpington chickens. I have two lavender and four buff Orpingtons. Just finished building my coop and pen.

I would love to get a dwarf or Nubian goat for milking, but do not as of yet have anything built for them, so it will be awhile yet. I also want turkeys very badly! I know they are noisy and loud, but I LOVE turkey!!! I just want a couple a year because I like to eat two turkeys every year: for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, I plan on getting an African Goose to act as an alarm/warning for my chickens in case of predators. We have a family of racoons living on our property who refuse to live elsewhere and a lot of hawks. My roosters are not working out very well, and honestly, my girls are so sick of the roosters they run so fast toward me when I go out to let them out in the AM, with a desperate look on their faces, and they want OUT of the pen and away from the roosters. I guess we'll be having some yummy chicken for dinner very soon.

Happy to be a part of BYC and look forward to talking with y'all! I've been lurking for a bit and finally decided to take the plunge.
Nice to meet you and welcome!
Hello everyone! I'm new here and new to raising chickens, but not new to raising animals in general. I'm a true red, white, and blue country girl through and through. My family and extended family moved and got some land out in a rural area in east central part of Texas where there are mostly ranchers (which is most of Texas, lol!) so we could be close together to help each other out in bad times. We are developing a homestead as quickly as we can. My extended family has a 5 year head start on us, but we're getting there.

At the moment, we have chosen to raise Orpington chickens. I have two lavender and four buff Orpingtons. Just finished building my coop and pen.

I would love to get a dwarf or Nubian goat for milking, but do not as of yet have anything built for them, so it will be awhile yet. I also want turkeys very badly! I know they are noisy and loud, but I LOVE turkey!!! I just want a couple a year because I like to eat two turkeys every year: for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, I plan on getting an African Goose to act as an alarm/warning for my chickens in case of predators. We have a family of racoons living on our property who refuse to live elsewhere and a lot of hawks. My roosters are not working out very well, and honestly, my girls are so sick of the roosters they run so fast toward me when I go out to let them out in the AM, with a desperate look on their faces, and they want OUT of the pen and away from the roosters. I guess we'll be having some yummy chicken for dinner very soon.

Happy to be a part of BYC and look forward to talking with y'all! I've been lurking for a bit and finally decided to take the plunge.
Welcome to the Texas thread!
Hello everyone! I'm new here and new to raising chickens, but not new to raising animals in general. I'm a true red, white, and blue country girl through and through. My family and extended family moved and got some land out in a rural area in east central part of Texas where there are mostly ranchers (which is most of Texas, lol!) so we could be close together to help each other out in bad times. We are developing a homestead as quickly as we can. My extended family has a 5 year head start on us, but we're getting there.

At the moment, we have chosen to raise Orpington chickens. I have two lavender and four buff Orpingtons. Just finished building my coop and pen.

I would love to get a dwarf or Nubian goat for milking, but do not as of yet have anything built for them, so it will be awhile yet. I also want turkeys very badly! I know they are noisy and loud, but I LOVE turkey!!! I just want a couple a year because I like to eat two turkeys every year: for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, I plan on getting an African Goose to act as an alarm/warning for my chickens in case of predators. We have a family of racoons living on our property who refuse to live elsewhere and a lot of hawks. My roosters are not working out very well, and honestly, my girls are so sick of the roosters they run so fast toward me when I go out to let them out in the AM, with a desperate look on their faces, and they want OUT of the pen and away from the roosters. I guess we'll be having some yummy chicken for dinner very soon.

Happy to be a part of BYC and look forward to talking with y'all! I've been lurking for a bit and finally decided to take the plunge.
Welcome to the Texas thread!

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