THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

hello, 1st post, just recieved eco 20 yesterday, trying to figure out how to hold eggs in tray, what wire dividers?, oh the ones in bottom of box i took to garage !

collecting my eggs this week, lavender wyandottes getting 2 a day, figure 1 week and im firing up my new incubator, having fun now, will report back soon
hello, 1st post, just recieved eco 20 yesterday, trying to figure out how to hold eggs in tray, what wire dividers?, oh the ones in bottom of box i took to garage !

collecting my eggs this week, lavender wyandottes getting 2 a day, figure 1 week and im firing up my new incubator, having fun now, will report back soon

Hi :welcome
Pleased to hear you figured the dividers out ok. Hope you have a great hatch and good luck. Be sure to ask any questions you may have everyone here to help :frow
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Anyone still following this thread?!

Can anyone do me a big favour and tell me what the plastic tray+4 wire dividers weigh in grams?? Was going to monitor weight loss for this hatch, loaded up my tray, weighed it full but forgot to weigh it empty, duh! Eggs have been in 24hrs now so don't want to disturb.

Thanks a million if anyone can help! :)
Hi :welcome
Glad you could join the flock! Sorry but my eggs are in lockdown so can't weigh my tray. But the weight of the tray and dividers shouldn't matter. It is the weight of each individual egg that counts. Some eggs will have started off weighing more than others in the first place and its 13% of the original weght loss of each egg that counts.
Hope this helps a little and hope you enjoy BYC :frow
I got my second 20 Eco Adv today. Hubby decided I needed a second one cause the first was too small. He actually recommended I get the 40 but I was scared to spend that much money, lol.

I know! I should have! But we're in the middle of closing on 15 acres and about to build our house on our "farm". So I felt I needed to save back money for the closing costs and what not. Now that I think of it, that extra hundred and fifty would be peanuts. BUT... at least this way I can still say I need more incubating space and get a cabinet brinsea later, lol.


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