The EE braggers thread!!!

I wish I could make a bet with you! I am confident she is a "she." I have a pretty reliable (to me) way of determining and have never been wrong. Even with a 50/50 shot, I have always been 100. It is an old wives tale to some but it always works for me - and that is the ring method. The one time I did have a cockerel my ring swang back and forth (male). I picked all my girls with a ring (spun in a circular motion) and it is foolproof - again for me.

I think it doesn't work for some because apparently you, the person doing the ring test, need to have some magnetism too. You also cannot use silver, plastic, metal, etc for the ring. It HAS to be solid gold or a magnet. She is a hard circular swing since 5 days old and to this day. It even works on people.

The comb on EE's vary. The pic makes her pea comb look red, but it's not that red. It's pink. Her chest also is not red, but copperish/goldish. There is no 100% rhyme or reason with EE's either as they are not a breed with 2 specific parents that breed true, but a mash of any type of chicken and an Ameraucana.

I'll keep you posted... but I'm sure.
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I wish I could make a bet with you! I am confident she is a "she." I have a pretty reliable (to me) way of determining and have never been wrong. Even with a 50/50 shot, I have always been 100. It is an old wives tale to some but it always works for me - and that is the ring method. The one time I did have a cockerel my ring swang back and forth (male). I picked all my girls with a ring (spun in a circular motion) and it is foolproof - again for me.

I think it doesn't work for some because apparently you, the person doing the ring test, need to have some magnetism too. You also cannot use silver, plastic, metal, etc for the ring. It HAS to be solid gold or a magnet. She is a hard circular swing since 5 days old and to this day. It even works on people.

The comb on EE's vary. The pic makes her pea comb look red, but it's not that red. It's pink. Her chest also is not red, but copperish/goldish. There is no 100% rhyme or reason with EE's either as they are not a breed with 2 specific parents that breed true, but a mash of any type of chicken and an Ameraucana.

I'll keep you posted... but I'm sure.
Here's my baby, Blu. She was sold as an "Ameraucana," but I know she's an Easter Egger (that was for the Ameraucana police, lol). I am actually wondering if she is an Olive Egger with her coloring!

She is 8 weeks old.

Is this the bird you're willing to bet on being a female???


Are you sure you want to do that??

If it is a she, you better sell her to a Ag University. Her colors say rooster really loud and really clear..

I am thinking your magnetic poles just switched direction and the method is now backwards for you..
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What do you think of my rooster. Is he an EE? Is that a pea comb? I was given 2 hatchery ameraucanas a hen and this guy. The hen had beard and muffs and lays a green egg. My red star was sure happy when I brought him home.





but a mash of any type of chicken and an Ameraucana.
Not entirely true. Hatchery sourced Easter Eggers are not mixed breed. And they certainly are not true Ameraucana crosses. For that, hatcheries would have to have Ameraucana in the first place, and they don't and never have. The Ameraucana breed was derived from hatchery type Easter Eggers, not the other way around.
Not entirely true. Hatchery sourced Easter Eggers are not mixed breed. And they certainly are not true Ameraucana crosses. For that, hatcheries would have to have Ameraucana in the first place, and they don't and never have. The Ameraucana breed was derived from hatchery type Easter Eggers, not the other way around.

Cackle Hatchery carries true Ameraucanas in black now. I doubt if they're using them in their EE breeding.
I wish I could make a bet with you! I am confident she is a "she." I have a pretty reliable (to me) way of determining and have never been wrong. Even with a 50/50 shot, I have always been 100. It is an old wives tale to some but it always works for me - and that is the ring method. The one time I did have a cockerel my ring swang back and forth (male). I picked all my girls with a ring (spun in a circular motion) and it is foolproof - again for me.

I think it doesn't work for some because apparently you, the person doing the ring test, need to have some magnetism too. You also cannot use silver, plastic, metal, etc for the ring. It HAS to be solid gold or a magnet. She is a hard circular swing since 5 days old and to this day. It even works on people.

The comb on EE's vary. The pic makes her pea comb look red, but it's not that red. It's pink. Her chest also is not red, but copperish/goldish. There is no 100% rhyme or reason with EE's either as they are not a breed with 2 specific parents that breed true, but a mash of any type of chicken and an Ameraucana.

I'll keep you posted... but I'm sure.

Ignoring the very red comb
Ignoring the blotchy rusty mahogany red on the wings
Ignoring the pointy neck feathers
Ignoring the pointy saddle feathers

Their Easter Eggers predate their acquisition of their Black Ameraucana. They do not mix the two.
Although Cackle has a separate flock of LF black Ameraucanas, they originally bought that stock to improve egg color in their Easter Eggers. I haven't talked to the owner there lately, but I have to assume they bred some LF black Ameraucanas with the Easter Eggers as intended.

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