The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

My Blue Rock, Neela, isn't doing so well. She was sleeping way too much yesterday. If you recall, she has one nare completely blocked by a growth and the other one is partially blocked as well. She has trouble breathing in extreme heat situations already, is very thin, has recently been molting, is very arthritic on one side with a pronounced limp, etc. She and her lookalike sister, Alice, are just old gals, my "blue bookends" I call them. They are 8 1/2 years old, sisters hatched with Emily, my big Black Rock, and same age as the Tiny Terrorist. So, I expect to lose sweet Neela soon. Even Georgie, my Delaware who watched over little Xander as he was dying, is watching Neela closely, grooming her periodically, just like she did Xander. So, she knows.

My husband is very fond of those two hens. They were the first to jump on an outside roost bar when we told them to go inside and expect to be carried to the pop door, and they taught others to do the same. They trained him well, LOL. They've been really great hens, laying jumbo size eggs; Alice laid a few this year, but Neela stopped last year as far as I know.
Wow, they sure have made it a lot easier to take pets into the UK, and rightly so. Yeah, I think the dog disappearing act would be a good thing, until she's gone.

Yeah, I wish he could do that. I'll tell him someone suggested it. She is such a skank! He showed me conversations between her and her boy-toy he recorded on his phone when she was asleep. Disgusting! I mean, photos that qualify as porn, gross. I think my son is planning to tell him that she is 50 years old and has a 32 yr old son, which he believes the other guy doesn't know. I said just don't do anything to impede her exit from your life! She's signed over the house to him, given back the debit card to their joint account but she's still in the house! I could not live like that.
If he's smart, he won't say a word. Let her get out, and stay out long enough that she can't come crying to him to take her back.

If he ever takes her back, he's not the son I raised. He's already allowing himself to be treated like dirt by allowing her to stay in that house. I've always said that you are treated the way you allow yourself to be treated. He might as well add a DOORMAT tattoo to his forehead. If I found that kind of stuff on my spouse's phone, he's be out by the end of the day and locks changed, period. But, I didn't marry that kind of man so I'd be looking for a brain tumor if he exhibited that type of behavior.

I'd make it impossible and entirely unpleasant for her to be there. After seeing what I saw on her phone, she is the worst kind of nasty woman, not a moral to her name. But, then, we had her pegged even before the wedding. He doesn't think that guy is as old as she says he is. Gross. Any man who will interact like that with another man's wife will cheat on her with someone else. She's really in for a life she doesn't expect, I can tell you that. And she'll deserve every moment of it.
Okay, this is truly bizarre. My son went into her room when she was gone. She has several bags packed. He said she isn't taking those, that they were a gift to him from his last restaurant for 10 years of service. Then, he found something really weird.... a 32 oz cup of urine. 32 ounces! Um, what? He's completely confused! Why would she have all that in a huge cup? I can't even begin to imagine. My poor son can't even get his head around some of the stuff she's been doing, but this is just the weirdest thing ever.
:oops: Good riddance to her.

You said it! The only thing that I found about using a large amount of urine is if you are trying to pass a drug test and have to gather someone else's in a large amount. There were complete instructions about the entire process. It mentioned that exact amount, in fact. His dad asked if he thought she was on drugs. He said he'd have no idea. He also said a bunch of her friends are talking about doing an intervention, that she's gone round the bend. If so, he really needs to be far away from that woman. No telling what she'll do next.

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