The Front Porch Swing

Trena is gonna love those mini pot pies. Her absolute favorite!
I hope everyone has had a peaceful day like the one I have still here..even the birds are not as active today. It's been overcast all day as the rains of tomorrow move in, cool and low humidity. A perfect day for working in the yard and I'm glad the loud mowing that shattered the stillness has been shut down.

Planted some pretty pink peonies today...they are one of my favorite flowers, though I usually like the ones that bloom longer. They remind me of my grandma's house...she had a whole row of them. But, that's not why they remind me of her house so much.

Y'all ever notice that Dove bar soap smells just like peonies? Well, it does. That was the only soap my grandma used in her bathroom and her bathroom didn't have good ventilation, so the room was just heavy with the scent of DOVE. When I smell a peony, all I can think of is grandma's bathroom in that strange, rickety old house of hers. I loved that house! It was filled with wonderful things to see and experience, though it was ancient and not anything someone would look at with a desire to have it...well..except me, of course.

Peonies! Pink or white with a pink center, soft as silk, luxuriant and lush, a heady scent....and then gone before we know it.
Speaking of rain...... It rained today! All around us - not a drop here...... I planted a tomato plant yesterday. The ground was completely dry deeper than the length of the spade on the shovel. The cow pasture straight across the road is slowly turning brown. Another week and it will look like a giant chocolate chip cookie because of the angus cattle.

Skillets...... When my brother passed away and the estsate was settled, my Mom asked me if there was anything I wanted out of his house. He had a lot of nice stuff. The only thing I asked for was his cast iron pans. ( I am thinking probably only you guys understand :) )

She isn't "smart" enough to realize how badly those things can hurt her. She has the beginnings of doggie dementia too, so no fear anymore about anything. Yikes.

I have a Min Pin, female about 4 years old....... she is not afraid of ANYTHING! I am so afraid she will escape one day and never come home. Something will tick her off and she will attack it. What ever it is will just swallow her whole!
Bee, you will never guess whst I did! ....... Put eggs from the wrong hen in the incubator .... oops! I hatched out 6 of the prettiest little pullets ....... so I decided to put her back with the rooster and collect some more eggs to hatch. Well, I didn't get the eggs I expected. So, dang it! Now I have to try to figure out which hen is which!

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