The Honey Factory

A real donnybrook on the landing deck. Yellow back bumble bee denied entry as no less than 10 guards balled it, killed it and dumped it over the edge unceremoniously. I sit with my coffee about 4' feet away and just observe to see what they're bringing in, still white and yellow pollen. Fanning hard as the temps are high 90s with the "heat index" in 101 to 103 range. Throw in some nice 93% humidity and I morph into a lizard.
Did some bee lining this afternoon with the boy. We could only find two honey bees in 40 minutes of looking, swashed one on the bee box lid. Set up the box anyway not thinking we'd get the lone bee to return. Within an hour we had a hundred bees oriented to our location and bee lining 87 degrees. After two moves we were at the edge of woods in a small clearing. Established the line and know they are about 700 feet in. Went along a logging road to the best clearing we could find less than 400 feet in. It was difficult establishing a line due to how small of a clearing it was, basically they'd head in two directions which both would line up with the original line. Made another set up about 600 feet in the woods in as open an area we could find under tree canopy and started getting eaten alive by bugs.

It was a fun afternoon until the bugs and going on six hours from catching the first bee. We are close finding it but will have to wait for another day. We've decided to catch a bee or two, allow them to recruit another twenty then head to the last spot or look for a better clearing further up the logging road in attempt to triangulate the tree. Seriously few honey bees are seen at this location and we've known there is a multi year feral colony nearby. We could never caught enough bees to think it was worth trying but it turns out it only took one to start.
Pumpkin blossoms
Goldenrod will be in bloom here in two weeks or less.

I told hubby as soon as we have four frames of capped honey, we are processing! I can't wait to get some of our own honey. :drool

Since we have a tangential extractor (part of the used stuff we bought), I know it'll take a while, maybe a long while, to process if we get supers full of honey.

Edit to add: four frames, not two, as that's what our extractor holds.
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Goldenrod will be in bloom here in two weeks or less.

I told hubby as soon as we have two frames of capped honey, we are processing! I can't wait to get some of our own honey. :drool

Since we have a tangential extractor (part of the used stuff we bought), I know it'll take a while, maybe a long while, to process if we get supers full of honey.
:lau I've already gulped 2 LBS of ours, still have 70 LBS to go, undecided if I'm going to take some of the Fall flow or just leave it for them.

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