The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Had a surprise today..... Came home from going to lunch tp a peeping coming from my kitchen table. I had a half-fluffed big ol' black baby in the bator hatch and another with a pretty good pip in it. Both still on the turner. Oops! Guess I forgot when I put them in. Thought they still had a few days.
So now 2 big ole chicks hatched from Jester and Saphira's first eggs. One more egg in bator no pip yet.
Congrats on the new babies everyone!

I'll be the first to start hounding y'all to see pictures.

It'll probably be about a month still before I set any of the eggs from my girls. Neville is successfully (I think) breeding them now but I want to wait a bit longer to ensure that anything that hatches out will be pure. I had my flocks altogether up until about a month ago, so my girls were exposed to my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana roo. But by the end of June I am plugging my Brinsea back in and I will hopefully have babies shortly after.
Thansk!! Yep, I was tickled. I'll report back tomorrow!

There was someone on the orp thread looking for some bantams, someone sent them to the bantam orp thread, but just in case you want to spread your world domination.......
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OMG, orps have to be the most food consuming chick I have ever had
they are almost 3 weeks old and empty the feeders faster than the same amount of chicks twice their age in my other brooder
How do any of you afford to feed these buggers to a size you can determine if they are keepers??
I sell the grow outs that don't fit my breeding pens, for good $, somewhere around $20-50 each. I plan to grow out a TON fo chicks from several different breeds, so I just make sure I keep enough ads running anywhere I can put up free internet ads, and I seem to keep enough sold so my grow out pens aren't too crowded, and my feed bill gets a big boost. I think I sold eleven birds in the past week, for about... $385. NO WAY I spent that much on feed, including feeding the 85 hens and roos that lay eggs. I have around 200 babies in the brooder boxes, gave away 17 various roos for tacos to the guy that did yard work, he was thrilled. That's how I roll, crazy, but it works for me.

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