The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Krista are they three weeks already? Wow, by next week you will start to see significant growth Can't wait to see pics
Am I too late to post any pics?

I purchased eggs from Joy twice last year and almost two dozen from Jullie.
I hatched nice orps from those eggs.
To be honest, these pics are when they were 4 months old.
I had hundreds of recent photos and my hubby took my digital to foreign country!

Anyway, I believe my orps are very nice and have great lacing, hope I can improve more.
P.s... Thanks for a good info Jullie about GL orps in germany. I routinely travel Europian countries and hope I can have something from them!




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lol, yeah, had to check the shipping info message you had sent me
. Dh made me a new 2 level brooder that is long can 21 chicks stay in a 4x4 space? 2ft high... I will probably have to divide the group into 2 until the new coop is built... so how much time does this 4x4 space give me?
Dh made me a new 2 level brooder that is long can 21 chicks stay in a 4x4 space? 2ft high... I will probably have to divide the group into 2 until the new coop is built... so how much time does this 4x4 space give me?

Alot is going to depend on what the flooring is made of.. I hope you have braced wire flooring. This will help keep the chicks clean while not allowing the floor to sag out on you from their wieght. The most time I would give you on that kind of pen would be 7 weeks. Getting pretty crowded by then but will remain clean.
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Krista you wont' have but a week or two. Get a big paste board box and put some pine pellets in the bottom and separate for a few weeks till you can get them a ground pen. They should feather in by 8 weeks . I remember you got some really big chicks and should have some huge blacks and blues. I know some I have hatched now just hit 3 weeks and they are growing by leaps an bounds daily. I have abour 15 in a 3X4 pen and I am moving them next week to a bigger pen. I need to take some pics. Just been too busy with the bathroom and life. I did get the grout sealed this morning. The wiring is done. Need to fix sheet rock now and then bead board and trim paint and move tub in and toilet and we will be in the bath business.

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