The Moonshiner's Bootleg Incubator Reviews And Discussions


The Moonshiner

Fixin' to get in trouble, you comin'? 🛸 🏴‍☠️
Premium Feather Member
7 Years
Nov 17, 2016
I've decided to broaden my horizons when it comes to hatching and incubators.
My first incubator was a GQF chickbator. Second was a GQF hovabator and third was a GQF sportsman.
GQFs have been good to me and I've stuck with hovabators for decades. I've made a few different homemade ones at different times and even tried a couple other brands. Thanks for nothing Little Giant. 😉
There's so many options now days I want to experiment. OK really I just want more incubators to do more hatching but while I'm at it....
My plan is to pick up various random brands/models from time to time and try them out. And also hear from others on their favorites or fails.
First up is the Nuture Right 360. Seems a lot of you'll have one and I've heard good things. I've always passed on one since the price vs capacity didn't appeal to me but I did love the viewable aspect of it.
I recently found a used one for a good price so I grabbed it up and set eggs in it a few days ago.
I'll report the outcome once hatch day arrives. Until then if you have one I'd like to hear your opinions. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Nuture Right 360
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First up is the Nuture Right 360. Seems a lot of you'll have one and I've heard good things. I've always passed on one since the price vs capacity didn't appeal to me but I did love the viewable aspect of it.
I recently found a used one for a good price so I grabbed it up and set eggs in it a few days ago.
I'll report the outcome once hatch day arrives. Until then if you have one I'd like to hear your opinions. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Nuture Right 360
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Well, you know I love mine. It's the only one I've used (besides the chinabator I lost all my eggs in). If you have a hard time keeping humidity up, you can fill both wells slightly and cap one. I tend to need to do that after the first qeek
First up is the Nuture Right 360. Seems a lot of you'll have one and I've heard good things. I've always passed on one since the price vs capacity didn't appeal to me but I did love the viewable aspect of it.
I recently found a used one for a good price so I grabbed it up and set eggs in it a few days ago.
I'll report the outcome once hatch day arrives. Until then if you have one I'd like to hear your opinions. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Nuture Right 360
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I love mine. It's better than the two Brinseas I have, imo. I like them but they're just not as stable or reliable. I've gotten some pretty big fluctuations in them, I don't like the design of the lid, and they take quite a while to get back up to temp. I run all of my incubators in the same location too so that's not a factor. The NR gets back up to temp very fast, and holds it. I've never seen any deviations in temp on any of my thermometers in the NR. I do like the hovabator you recommended to me, but I've just been using it as a hatcher for now so I don't know about actually incubating any eggs in it. It's keeping my NR opened up for the more valuable eggs by being able to move any eggs out as they get close.
I have only used the turner in the NR 360 one time, I usually just hand turn because I can fit so many more eggs in without it. But the turner does work well. It turns pretty gently and I believe every hour. I like that it has the humidity readout too, it's actually very close to accurate on mine.
The temp is a bit off, I have to have it set at 100.5 to get 99.5, but it stays at 99.5 at all spots in the incubator. I haven't found any hot or cold spots in mine at all. It also holds humidity for hatching the best of any of the incubators. Filling both channels all the way and putting the B cap on the B port and it'll get you to 70-ish%. It gets humidity back up fast too so I can open it frequently and check eggs or remove ducklings/eggshells. I usually just mist all of the eggs right before I put the lid back on.

The lid being hard to pick up is the biggest con, imo. I attached those little clear stick on hooks to the sides, and that pretty much solved the problem. I can get a pic of it if you want.
The other two issues are : it is a bit hard to clean, mainly because of the little channels in the bottom. If you hatch in it, the feather dust stuff will get up in the top and around the fan. I've used an air compressor to just spray that out after each hatch though. The other issue is chicks will jump out the sides and it's easy to roll eggs out if you bump them. The little lip it has doesn't do much. I would like to get one of the risers they make eventually, that would fix the problem.

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