The Most Important Message You Will Ever Hear

Thanks! I don't read the Bible as much as I ought (I'm Catholic :) - but seriously, I do try to read it) but I will make more time for it throughout the week. Your post was encouraging, thank you!
I find it helpful to use an app for devotions. I read my Bible absolute first thing in the morning, and absolute last at night. It's easy to say you'll make time for it, but in practice, it's rather hard sometimes!
I've only experienced this once, and it was actually related to ducks! I was ordering ducks and had picked out four, but got this nagging feeling like, "you'll be sorry!" I couldn't hardly sleep on it. So the next morning I canceled one of the duckings and immediately everything felt right. It was strange!
I think I began to notice it with increasing frequency after I'd read, somewhere, something along the lines of this: The decision to follow God is not a one time decision. It is an ever, week decision. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. Every second. You must continue, every moment, to make the conscious decision to follow God.
Part of that is constantly checking in, even if you are merely thinking of God in the back of your mind, keep him in your thoughts as often as you can. Then you will feel his guiding presence.
Maybe that's my problem, I have no counselors. There's my parents and they mean the best but I don't feel comfortable talking with them. My pastor (who I did ask advice of frequently) was moved to another parish and the new one doesn't want to be bothered.
Are there other leaders in the parish you can reach out to? I am unfamiliar with the intricacies of the function in catholic churches, I only have experience with protestantism and Orthodoxy. In the protestant churches, there are usually youth and young adult leaders, or, if not, people who tend to just reach out and become counselors to folks. In Orthodox churches, it is my understanding that folks end up with a Godfather/Godmother at some point, and those people become their mentors.
I do understand not feeling comfortable talking to parents. I've never really spoken very much with mine about my spiritual life. That may stem from when I really picked up on, and leaned into, "make your parents' faith your own". Which is a fantastic thing to do! You won't get far, spiritually speaking, if the faith you're following is your parents' faith. You must make it your own to experience the true joy of walking with God.
I feel odd saying these things on a social media platform but there was no one else to talk to...y'all have been encouraging, thank you :)!
I'm glad you spotted the thread!
You might start with the Gospels to get to know Jesus. Psalms are good, we're studying those in Sabbath School. They're not just prayers of David and others, they're actually inspired by God. Many are prophecies of Jesus.

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