This video was made this morning about where to get your first chicks. I'm putting it here, not because of the main subject, but because it stars Bodie so you can see how he's doing. The first few minutes is what I wanted you to see, though you can watch the entire thing if you want to, of course.
Bodies is looking not so bad now. He does look like it's something neurological. Hopefully he continues to improve. If he starts crowing again that would be a huge milestone. Great video Cynthia.
I made a decision today that Bodie should go live in the front pen which I have slated for a grow-out pen for the new BR chicks after they leave the brooder. He is not getting worse, nor better, seems to have permanent damage from the West Nile we think he had contracted about the same time that Axel passed away. Until the nights are warmer, he has a heat lamp because he can only sleep on the floor, can't even hop up on a low roost bar. But, this way he has more room and hens can visit, plus he can watch at his pen door as his flock goes in and out of the door. He seems to be the best he will ever be and can finally leave the hospital cage.
When the chicks need that pen at 3-4 weeks old, he may still be able to stay with them until they're older, depending on his reaction to them, then I may move them into the back, larger pen and close that off again from the pen with the EEs and bantam Cochins. I don't believe he is able to hurt them nor that he would even try. I just don't think he needs to be there as the males get to the hormonal stage, even if he's still alive by then.
I threw eternally broody Cricket in with Bodie for awhile just to keep her out of her comfy nest. She spent all the time trying to escape so when everyone else was inside, I let her go out and put Bodie out with her. She immediately starting scooping dirt around her to take a dust bath. Bodie went over to her and she stared up at him with this comical dirty look so he actually did a little jump at her and thunked her in the head, made her move and let him dig there. I've not seen him do anything like that recently and he has not shown any interest in dustbathing for a long time.
When he walks, it's like his tires are out of alignment and he always veers to the left so I have to keep him on track. He's doing okay, I guess.
Juliette is like a walking skeleton and she's losing strength, but she still pushes herself to go out with everyone else, doing pretty normal stuff, is eating fine. Layla, the black EE, occasionally harasses her a little bit, but she's holding back from the way she usually does; naturally, she knows something is wrong with her coop mate.
Thought I'd update you on Bodie. His comb is rising again! it's not all the way up, but the blade part is beginning to stand up and the rest seems to be following, signaling his healing or at least, as far as he's likely to recover. He leans to the left when he walks fast like his tires are out of alignment and when he gets stressed and tries to run, he falls on his face, sometimes even tumbles. :idunnoThe rub is that he becomes stressed just from me walking slowing behind him, guiding him back into the barn.

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