The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I'm still working with Todd. Yesterday was great, tonight not so much.

He'll get there! Libby is still a work in progress and they've had her since February lol they're just different dogs. Libby even since she was little cared more about eating all the cool stuff in the yard than she did about sticking close and even now prefers to eat sticks, stumps, gnaw off live branches, etc. And doesn't really care about recall (though we are working on it and she's improving). She is very smart though, I always say she's a genius because she learns so fast. Today she picked up a new trick in minutes with distractions. She's just a bit stubborn (although she doesn't like being bad or in trouble). And she's never been very cuddly or affectionate. Franklin on the other hand has always been a huge cuddler/lovebug and wants to stay super close and wants to please so badly. Libby has gotten a little bit more affectionate since they've gotten Frank but she's still not super cuddly. They're just different. She is super kissy/licky though lol but anyway, example, today we did a bunch of obedience on the walks (I took them separate today) and I only took Franklin on a short walk but we trained a lot. Anyway, long story, there's this boat ramp/town landing thing nearby we always stop at to let them sniff all around the outside (huge parking lot) and of course in winter it's basically dead so I was doing down stays and some sit stays with Franklin and when he did well with shorter distances, I tried halfway across the parking lot and then all the way and we did quite a few recalls. He not only stayed that distance (I even tried turning around and walking straight ahead for part of a couple of them before turning back around) but came barreling towards me as fast as he possibly could when I recalled him. I couldn't believe it. So cute though LOL but anyway, this probably sounds like I'm bragging but I'm not trying to because my next point is I would never trust Libby doing that. I did do much shorter recalls with her but she'd likely take off the distance I did with him. She actually did run off last week when I took them to a beach/field. Franklin went with her. Thankfully there was nowhere for them to go so they came back rather quickly but Franklin is starting to be a little bit bad sometimes too but I think only because Libby influences him. But Libby has hiked off leash lots before, like real hikes in the real woods/up mountains, and is always fine and sticks really close, and I even took them here once before so I was surprised. I think it's the pack thing though when they're together. My point though is to show they're not always angels lol Franklin is just special. Such a sweet, loving, people pleasing boy. And Libby. Well, Libby will be on leash now or won't go. Although they do still take her places and plan on practicing with both of them but they're also their dogs.

Maybe those periods of time when he doesn't do so well will get shorter and farther apart. How long have you had Todd now (doesn't seem too long?)?

It does take time.

It's the pigs! He has lost respect because of them....:lau

Morning everyone!

Wasn't sure what to expect when I woke up as it was snowing again last night. Of course, the wind was blowing so things don't look worse than yesterday. The drifts just might be a bit higher.

I think DH is going to come home from Casper today. That means I have to get busy and fix a "real" meal. Cheese & crackers doesn't seem very welcoming :lol:

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