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I got the full workup today. Labs, then CT scan, then Oncologist. This chemo product is NOT working, so she's switching me to something else. This time, it's an oral chemo. Thank God!!!! I'm not sure about everywhere else, but the tail end of May, all of June, and the first part of July is when the medical facilities, and hospitals hire the graduates from nursing school. They're called the killing months.

The killing months are when all these nursing graduates are hired, and in training, so EVERYONE becomes their guinea pigs. My poor arms, and veins have never been abused so much, and have horrible bruising. Even the doctor made a note about it.

I'm an easy stick, have never had problems, but lately it takes the newbies at least 2 sticks, before they nail it, OR they have to call in someone more experienced for the 3rd. stick. It might be tolerable for those only going in once a month, or less, but it's gotten horrible for those of us that have to go weekly. Yes, I've always rotated between both hands, and inner fold of both of my arms, so each area has a break, and time to heal before it's their turn to get stuck again.

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