O contraire Monsieur! - To add insult to the injury, i started to laugh at them. I wish i had my phone me when they started sliding downhill! There was a similarity to a bowling game…
Here you can see some insulted dux, walking carefully back to their house:
Love the slide by snacking! :lau

What makes your videos so entertaining is not just the dux, but your commentary. :)
I was concerned about my 8 year old Rouen Ducks with all of this cold but so far they have done well. I just rescued a Muscovy, Blue Swedish and Rouen duck and no one could tell me how old they were. The Blue Swedish looks older and the Rouen a bit younger along with the Muscovy. I just hope that they all make it through this very cold winter. None of them seem to mind the cold and they have lots of shavings in shelters with plenty of food and water. Time will tell.
After several days of temps and winds both in the 20’s - a few of the ducks decided to take their rest periods inside the duck house! But still many, who are stubborn and just stay out in it looking miserable
I am still seeing ducks on my bus route on ponds that still have places not frozen over in the middle. There they sit, in the water and it is 20 degrees F and going to get into the single digits tonight. I hope they don't get froze to the water. The one pond is next to our Fire department and a few years ago as a rescue practice the Firemen went out and had to rescue one that was actually frozen to the icy water. Silly Ducks. I think maybe they do it because they feel safer on the ice and water from predators but I am not sure.
Has anyone ever used a Treadle feeder for their ducks. I am thinking about getting some to keep the sparrows from eating all of my feed but I don't know how well they work. Sorry for posting it here, I don't know how to make a new thread and Miss Lydia is not on here right now to help me.

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