The modern thing for Europe this summer is African desert sand blown in by the southern winds. It used to happen every so often in the past but recently it's been around more frequently. The air gets milky with poor distance visibility and a heat dome is formed. You can feel the sand in your eyes and throat after some exposure. I would guess similar to when in North America you receive the smoke from forest fires?

Anyway this has led to 36 C in humid conditions at the end of the week and that was no fun at all. Currently though we seem to have climbed out of it for a while.

* Technically it's dust, the particles are more fine grained than sand... but it does irritate the eyes and throat :(
I remember the red sunsets and the dirty cars...
We finally got rain while I was in Sunday School but since that is almost 40 miles from my house, I wasn't sure if we were getting it or not. Hubby said we did though and we are finally going to get more. We have needed it desperately also. I hope you get some too Miss Lydia. My friend that has chickens had some of them looking really bad out in the heat yesterday. Her pen is in the sun and it had dug a hole trying to stay cool in it but it was just soooooo hot yesterday. Not sure how it turned out for it as I didn't stay to watch. I felt bad for it though.
The severe Thunderstorms that were forecasted for Yesterday's evening and night never materialized. All we got was a light rain, right when i was about to put the dux to bed - basically nothing.
what are my options now?
Charlie rejects the Ancona.
Trudy is beside herself trying to break into the introduction pen.
there’s a male and female pekin , and the one female ancona.

I can’t give Trudy/ and charlie the two pekins and try to introduce one little duck Nager to the duck chicken flock.

can i give trudy just the pekin drake maybe?

i just don’t know


9 adult ducks go out of the house in the morning.
I get busy with moving ducklings, preparing food, refreshing water, watering and collecting goodies from the greenhouse...
2 hours later, there are 8 ducks.
4 hours later, there are 8 ducks.
In the middle of the afternoon, there are 8 ducks.


... What could have happened?
There's just no way a predator has visited, either 4 legged, 2 legged human or 2 legged bird. No screaming, dogs not alerting.
Is she sick and wanted to distance herself? She came out of the duck house quite happily... Probably not that.
But I'm still sad while exploring around, expecting to maybe come upon a dead duck... :(

Wait, back to the basics. When would a lady duck be totally silent?
- She's doing really poorly.
- She's... nesting.
Found in the old raspberry patch. Nice nest built out of mown grass.


Now, this is the duck has already tried to get broody in the duck house several times but has always given up quickly. So it all makes sense.

However she really can't stay outside like this, she'll get taken for sure.

Right now I'll just bring some food and water to her and keep pondering the situation until dusk (5 hours left).

Since this is the one lady duck that is too-much beloved by the drake and has a big bald spot on her neck, I did anyway want to move her into the pen with the two 8-weeks-old young ducks so she can get some vacation. So maybe I can do that, and thus also keep an eye on her over the day - the enclosure is about 50 m2, good enough for 3 ducks. Overnight she would be returned to the duck house, possibly in a dog crate so she doesn't get harassed.

What do you all think?

9 adult ducks go out of the house in the morning.
I get busy with moving ducklings, preparing food, refreshing water, watering and collecting goodies from the greenhouse...
2 hours later, there are 8 ducks.
4 hours later, there are 8 ducks.
In the middle of the afternoon, there are 8 ducks.


... What could have happened?
There's just no way a predator has visited, either 4 legged, 2 legged human or 2 legged bird. No screaming, dogs not alerting.
Is she sick and wanted to distance herself? She came out of the duck house quite happily... Probably not that.
But I'm still sad while exploring around, expecting to maybe come upon a dead duck... :(

Wait, back to the basics. When would a lady duck be totally silent?
- She's doing really poorly.
- She's... nesting.
Found in the old raspberry patch. Nice nest built out of mown grass.

View attachment 3872581

Now, this is the duck has already tried to get broody in the duck house several times but has always given up quickly. So it all makes sense.

However she really can't stay outside like this, she'll get taken for sure.

Right now I'll just bring some food and water to her and keep pondering the situation until dusk (5 hours left).

Since this is the one lady duck that is too-much beloved by the drake and has a big bald spot on her neck, I did anyway want to move her into the pen with the two 8-weeks-old young ducks so she can get some vacation. So maybe I can do that, and thus also keep an eye on her over the day - the enclosure is about 50 m2, good enough for 3 ducks. Overnight she would be returned to the duck house, possibly in a dog crate so she doesn't get harassed.

What do you all think?
That sounds like a good plan. Although she might not be nice to the ducklings so you'll have to keep an eye on it.

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