Hi everyone not sure how long I’ll be able to stay on it’s a miracle actually we still have no power and really no cell service but some how I am able to text my daughter off an on in Atlanta GA and am able to get here which I wasn’t able to do a few hrs ago.
First I want to say how sorry I am to hear about Poppy passing @Jenbirdee she was such a precious little one. :hugs
We’re all okay no damage to our home and it’s a miracle so many trees uprooted and fell but only one hit our barn and doesn’t look like but just alimb hit the barn roof. The river of my gosh never have we seen anything like this and we’ve been through a lot here in these mountains since 1995. Our dirt road is not possible no telling when we’ll be able to get out without walking. Our neighbors past us got hit really hard and sad part is the mud slides make it impossible to get back to their cabins. These are Florida folks who have cabins here one couple was here when this hit they managed to walk out Sat sinking down in mud up to their knees and spent the night with us last night they probably won’t be able to use their cabin again or the cabin down from them and we cannot get hold of those folks since we haven’t cell or internet. Honestly I don’t know how I am here. And I might not get back after this. But wanted y’all to know we’re okay and I hope to be back soon. The National Guard is here helping with rescues and sad to say but looking for the dead. They are saying this is the 1000 yr flood of bibical proportions I believe it.
All my flock made it through and it was business as usual with them we did lose a lot of our fencing so we’ll have to see about getting that back eventually .
It made my heart feel so good reading about y’all missing me. Thank you❤️
Hi everyone not sure how long I’ll be able to stay on it’s a miracle actually we still have no power and really no cell service but some how I am able to text my daughter off an on in Atlanta GA and am able to get here which I wasn’t able to do a few hrs ago.
First I want to say how sorry I am to hear about Poppy passing @Jenbirdee she was such a precious little one. :hugs
We’re all okay no damage to our home and it’s a miracle so many trees uprooted and fell but only one hit our barn and doesn’t look like but just alimb hit the barn roof. The river of my gosh never have we seen anything like this and we’ve been through a lot here in these mountains since 1995. Our dirt road is not possible no telling when we’ll be able to get out without walking. Our neighbors past us got hit really hard and sad part is the mud slides make it impossible to get back to their cabins. These are Florida folks who have cabins here one couple was here when this hit they managed to walk out Sat sinking down in mud up to their knees and spent the night with us last night they probably won’t be able to use their cabin again or the cabin down from them and we cannot get hold of those folks since we haven’t cell or internet. Honestly I don’t know how I am here. And I might not get back after this. But wanted y’all to know we’re okay and I hope to be back soon. The National Guard is here helping with rescues and sad to say but looking for the dead. They are saying this is the 1000 yr flood of bibical proportions I believe it.
All my flock made it through and it was business as usual with them we did lose a lot of our fencing so we’ll have to see about getting that back eventually .
It made my heart feel so good reading about y’all missing me. Thank you❤️
Glad you're okay and that the birds made it through! Fences and roofs can be replaced.

Terrible what happened to your neighbours though. :( And to all the other people! Hang in there! **MUCH HUGS AND LOVES**
Hi everyone not sure how long I’ll be able to stay on it’s a miracle actually we still have no power and really no cell service but some how I am able to text my daughter off an on in Atlanta GA and am able to get here which I wasn’t able to do a few hrs ago.
First I want to say how sorry I am to hear about Poppy passing @Jenbirdee she was such a precious little one. :hugs
We’re all okay no damage to our home and it’s a miracle so many trees uprooted and fell but only one hit our barn and doesn’t look like but just alimb hit the barn roof. The river of my gosh never have we seen anything like this and we’ve been through a lot here in these mountains since 1995. Our dirt road is not possible no telling when we’ll be able to get out without walking. Our neighbors past us got hit really hard and sad part is the mud slides make it impossible to get back to their cabins. These are Florida folks who have cabins here one couple was here when this hit they managed to walk out Sat sinking down in mud up to their knees and spent the night with us last night they probably won’t be able to use their cabin again or the cabin down from them and we cannot get hold of those folks since we haven’t cell or internet. Honestly I don’t know how I am here. And I might not get back after this. But wanted y’all to know we’re okay and I hope to be back soon. The National Guard is here helping with rescues and sad to say but looking for the dead. They are saying this is the 1000 yr flood of bibical proportions I believe it.
All my flock made it through and it was business as usual with them we did lose a lot of our fencing so we’ll have to see about getting that back eventually .
It made my heart feel so good reading about y’all missing me. Thank you❤️
WOW! Thanks God it’s so good to hear from you!!! we will keep praying for your community. I’m so glad to hear you are ok!
Hi everyone not sure how long I’ll be able to stay on it’s a miracle actually we still have no power and really no cell service but some how I am able to text my daughter off an on in Atlanta GA and am able to get here which I wasn’t able to do a few hrs ago.
First I want to say how sorry I am to hear about Poppy passing @Jenbirdee she was such a precious little one. :hugs
We’re all okay no damage to our home and it’s a miracle so many trees uprooted and fell but only one hit our barn and doesn’t look like but just alimb hit the barn roof. The river of my gosh never have we seen anything like this and we’ve been through a lot here in these mountains since 1995. Our dirt road is not possible no telling when we’ll be able to get out without walking. Our neighbors past us got hit really hard and sad part is the mud slides make it impossible to get back to their cabins. These are Florida folks who have cabins here one couple was here when this hit they managed to walk out Sat sinking down in mud up to their knees and spent the night with us last night they probably won’t be able to use their cabin again or the cabin down from them and we cannot get hold of those folks since we haven’t cell or internet. Honestly I don’t know how I am here. And I might not get back after this. But wanted y’all to know we’re okay and I hope to be back soon. The National Guard is here helping with rescues and sad to say but looking for the dead. They are saying this is the 1000 yr flood of bibical proportions I believe it.
All my flock made it through and it was business as usual with them we did lose a lot of our fencing so we’ll have to see about getting that back eventually .
It made my heart feel so good reading about y’all missing me. Thank you❤️
So glad you're all right! Praying for a swift recovery.
Hi everyone not sure how long I’ll be able to stay on it’s a miracle actually we still have no power and really no cell service but some how I am able to text my daughter off an on in Atlanta GA and am able to get here which I wasn’t able to do a few hrs ago.
First I want to say how sorry I am to hear about Poppy passing @Jenbirdee she was such a precious little one. :hugs
We’re all okay no damage to our home and it’s a miracle so many trees uprooted and fell but only one hit our barn and doesn’t look like but just alimb hit the barn roof. The river of my gosh never have we seen anything like this and we’ve been through a lot here in these mountains since 1995. Our dirt road is not possible no telling when we’ll be able to get out without walking. Our neighbors past us got hit really hard and sad part is the mud slides make it impossible to get back to their cabins. These are Florida folks who have cabins here one couple was here when this hit they managed to walk out Sat sinking down in mud up to their knees and spent the night with us last night they probably won’t be able to use their cabin again or the cabin down from them and we cannot get hold of those folks since we haven’t cell or internet. Honestly I don’t know how I am here. And I might not get back after this. But wanted y’all to know we’re okay and I hope to be back soon. The National Guard is here helping with rescues and sad to say but looking for the dead. They are saying this is the 1000 yr flood of bibical proportions I believe it.
All my flock made it through and it was business as usual with them we did lose a lot of our fencing so we’ll have to see about getting that back eventually .
It made my heart feel so good reading about y’all missing me. Thank you❤️
Great to hear you're OK Miss Lydia, as long as people are alive it's always possible to rebuild, life finds a way!

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