The Sullivan Six


Cone shaped egg with wrinkles from Artemis today. She's actually turned out to be a better layer than I expected. I usually see an egg from her about every other day!
I'm pretty sure someone is picking at Artemis's head feathers. But since it's made them short enough they no longer fall in the water bowl (and she can see) and I've never seen any blood or injuries I guess that's alright.
Got my first 6/6 eggs yesterday!

Also, apparently Bibu does lay blue eggs and just started laying Thursday? I thought for sure she had started in October when we got three colored eggs in one day, but two of them were olive colored which didn't make much sense for a legbar. I collected Artemis's egg yesterday morning and husband collected 6 eggs when he got home yesterday. He found another small blue egg (not pictured) buried in the shavings.

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