The water dunking cured my broody!! (Update w/ PIC)

You have to leave the little buggars in there awhile like 2 minutes or more so the temp cools to the core body temp, if not you will just end up getting her wet. And do this a few times a day, and make that water cold cold cold !!!! the colder it is the less time you have to keep her in it, and i never care how long or loud they squall, If you half A33 any of the step's your just spinning your wheels.
Great job!

I've started doing this too. I have an 'extra' broody I need to break this weekend so we will be putting her in the farm house sink in our mudroom for an afternoon bath. The last one I broke this way was a super stubborn BO. It took two days but it worked.
Success. I think this cold water dipping finally worked. They had to stay in the water for over a minute like it was stated earlier. Now how long til they start laying again?
does this work on ducks too?

I have a pekin and a runner duck that i have to fight for eggs every morning. Ive got huge bruises from their bites to prove it haha

I have an 18 month-old Golden Comet who I tried this on today. How long before I might expect to see a change in behavior? I dunked her at 10am (for about 30 seconds)- set her out to the field, and when they came back around noon she went back in to the coop. I dunked her again (for 1 minute), put her out in the field, and she came back after an hour and got in the coop. I dunked her again (for 2 minutes), closed the coop door for 6 hours and when I opened the coop she went back in. While some of the postings seem to indicate the change was immediate, I thought that maybe I would see something today. Then I thought "maybe it takes a day to kick in?"

This is the first time I have had a broody hen and I have heard the dunking may be the fastest way to break her. Since this is my first time dunking, it's entirely possible that I'm not doing it right.

Any suggestions?

Give's a whole new meaning to world Ole wet hen LOL................. ever wonder how they came up with that hehehehehe, just listen to them once in awhile OMG it's a riot................... and they call us crazy
The funny thing is that I am using a big lobster pot to dunk her in. Laughing to myself I thought: If you stay broody you're going to be spending a lot more time in this pot - like 1 1/2 hours with your new friends Mr. Carrot and Mr. Onion.

(I crack myself up!)
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hahahaha.... mr carrot and mr onion. I have yet to have a broody, but the over-heating hen I thought would die about 6 weeks ago went straight in the dog's water bucket, and she's still with me. I think I kept her in about 2 minutes. No more over-heating either. Calcium metabolism seems to be affected by heat.

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