The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Update picture of my Welsummer Rooster Special

Good Morning
Wondering how the hatch is going, and how you all are? you haven't posted in a few days and I was curious if I can set up my brooder early hehe
I have chick fever again LOL.... I'm so ready for spring and winter has barely started...... OMG what am I to do for 3 crappy months yet. I will go stir/ chicken crazy waiting for spring and warm weather.\\
It's ok if you don't have extra's yet, next hatch maybe, so don't think I'm trying to be pushy, but I'm very excited to hear about your Wellies and maybe some babies.
Now if I could just find a breeder of Americana's close by, I love my EE hen but no blue/green egg, it's sorta pinkish with little white speckles. So anyone know of a good Americana Breeder in Wisconsin.
So have a great day Kim
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Good Morning
Wondering how the hatch is going, and how you all are? you haven't posted in a few days and I was curious if I can set up my brooder early hehe
I have chick fever again LOL.... I'm so ready for spring and winter has barely started...... OMG what am I to do for 3 crappy months yet. I will go stir/ chicken crazy waiting for spring and warm weather.\\
It's ok if you don't have extra's yet, next hatch maybe, so don't think I'm trying to be pushy, but I'm very excited to hear about your Wellies and maybe some babies.
Now if I could just find a breeder of Americana's close by, I love my EE hen but no blue/green egg, it's sorta pinkish with little white speckles. So anyone know of a good Americana Breeder in Wisconsin.
So have a great day Kim

Well hatch has been finished since Monday- we hatched 28 babies out of 41 eggs- the other 13 were duds- stopped somewhere along the way in development. Most of them are Welsummers- 19 to be exact, haven't taken any pictures yet..LOL..several of us were sick over the kid's winter break and of course things got behind. We are also doing am and pm chores for friends of ours while they are out of town. You wanted girls right? How many again? No worries about being pushy-reminders are nice. I'll see if we have some time tonight to get a few pictures to post. We have a trio of Ameraucanas but the girls aren't laying very well right now- we do have 1 egg in the incubator from them- due to hatch Jan 18th. My DS(6) is
hoping it does as those are his birds. We got the girls from a Wayne Meredith near Mukuwango(sp) WI.
Only a couple wellie eggs cooking since my girls decided to not cooperate and give me eggs. But hey, 2 is better than none! The rest of the eggs are Icelandic, Isbar and Barnevelder eggs.
Well hatch has been finished since Monday- we hatched 28 babies out of 41 eggs- the other 13 were duds- stopped somewhere along the way in development. Most of them are Welsummers- 19 to be exact, haven't taken any pictures yet..LOL..several of us were sick over the kid's winter break and of course things got behind. We are also doing am and pm chores for friends of ours while they are out of town. You wanted girls right? How many again? No worries about being pushy-reminders are nice. I'll see if we have some time tonight to get a few pictures to post. We have a trio of Ameraucanas but the girls aren't laying very well right now- we do have 1 egg in the incubator from them- due to hatch Jan 18th. My DS(6) is fl hoping it does as those are his birds. We got the girls from a Wayne Meredith near Mukuwango(sp) WI.

Sorry to hear you all were sick....... that sucks.. I know the extra chores thing too, my neighbor's go on hunting trips a couple times each year and we take care of all her critters, when they are gone, plus plants garden and house.
Well I was hoping I could get 5 girls, if it's 4 and a roo I wouldn't cry, well eventually I will when I have to butcher one of my other roosters, but 1 is slated for the stew pot after breeding my SS girls this spring anyway, so I will have to pick 1 more. are they hard to sex as chicks? cuz really I could use a roo if you think he would be an ok daddy to my wellies, and other girls? Which are 1 BO, 1 EE, 1 SLW, 3 BSL, 1 WW, 2 Dels, 2 WR, 4 SS, and 1 BR, this will be my mixed flock after this spring for eggs and meat birds. I wanted to add a few more Dels, and SS because they lay well and make good meat roos, so that's why I kept the 2 extra roosters, after breeding I plan to keep just 2 for my mixed flock, for replacement pullets, so a Wellsummer rooster if ya get a spare and probably my Delaware, he is awsum. maybe GrayBeard if I can find him some Americana's. I would like about 7 of them, if I can find em..........

Well hears the plan anyway as stands I have 4 roosters My EE GrayBeard, who is a pretty good rooster to the girls, but a hatchery roo all of them are so far anyway LOL, I kept my best Delaware roo to cover my 2 girls, and I also kept my best SS roo for my 4 SS girls, come spring, so that leaves Fred, a white wyandotte nothing special, clumsy with the ladies and a head feather puller argggggg he really needs to go but as a chick he was sick and needed to be nursed to get him through so I have been very reluctant to butcher him, but I will have too eventually he has no purpose in my flock just an extra roo who was suppose to be a hen, but he's so friendly and you can do anything with him... so I have been struggling with the idea for almost 6 months now.

Eventually I want my mixed flock of good to great layers and decent meat birds by 20 weeks for meat. I know I will have to keep culling to get the birds I want but I will just have to get over the I love all my roosters thing....... hehehehe and change out my roo's if they aren't giving me what I want. If I get a roo from you at least he won't be related to any but the Welsummer girls..... and they appear to be a decent size to butcher so he should be a good candidate for the permanent rooster position.
My coop is a 10x12 horse stall, with an attached large run, I think I posted pictures somewhere around here. but I think I can handle about 25 to 30 hens right now. with room to expand in the near future I want to move to a place with more land....... hopefully before I die LOL so let me know what ya can get rid of and I'm ancious for the pictures of those babies.............LOVE baby fuuzy butts............

Coop Lay out

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Our 2 boys have been very good with their girls and seem to be pretty mellow- have not had any problem with the kids going into the pens to do chores. Of course there is never any guarantees! How soon would you be looking to get them? For the most part one can tell who is boy and who is girl based on some of their marking- girls have what looks like eye liner above their eye and a more pronounced v on their head. We usually grow them out a few weeks so that we can be sure.
That would be fine, as my brooder is sitting out in the garage right now and I would be afraid it's too cold for them out there too young....... the brooder is 4 ft x 4 ft, and about 24 inches high with a sweeter heater, and lamp for light. they can grow out in there for maybe 4 to 6 weeks then I will have to build them a spot in my basement until it warms up and they can be placed in the pen adjacent to the run, to acclimate themselves to the flock......... I will make it into a breeding pen come spring, to put my roosters and hens together for hatching eggs. Ty Kim
That would be fine, as my brooder is sitting out in the garage right now and I would be afraid it's too cold for them out there too young....... the brooder is 4 ft x 4 ft, and about 24 inches high with a sweeter heater, and lamp for light. they can grow out in there for maybe 4 to 6 weeks then I will have to build them a spot in my basement until it warms up and they can be placed in the pen adjacent to the run, to acclimate themselves to the flock......... I will make it into a breeding pen come spring, to put my roosters and hens together for hatching eggs. Ty Kim

okay did a quick head count and it looks like from group 1: we have 6 girls and 3 boys. From group 2: we have 3 boys and 5 girls- 1 boy is have some leg problems so we put a splint on them to see if that helps. Camera battery is dead so have to wait till it recharges before getting some pictures.
Awsummm .........fuzzy butt pictures coming soon.
I just looked ya up on Google maps and you are almost to Madison....... wish they had been born a bit sooner LOL we were just thru there twice, to pick up Adams kids in IOWA on the 26th and take them back on the 31st, Oh well at least I won't get lost when your ready to sell babies........ hehehe
Seriously if you wanted to add these babies to your flock and weren't really ready to sell any just yet that is also fine as long as I can get some before say late March, so they start laying over the summer is fine. You let me know what you want to do, also you need to let me know what your asking per chick so I have some extra monies hehehehe
TY again Kim

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