Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"An egg a day keeps the butcher away"................

And Everybody knows that a chicken is like a potato chip....You cant just have one!
My husband who wasn't keen on getting chickens, but keen on using them for dual purpose has changed his mind.

His Buddy," Man,when y'all gonna eat one of them chickens?" Husband," Dude,we're not. It's really peaceful to sit and watch them, esp when the rooster gets after a hen!"
So now, he and his buddies sit on the porch and watch Foghorn "get tail" in the early evening and think it's better than t.v.

Me," Mama! I think Molly is going into laYbor! She's been in and out of the hen house for a couple of hrs.". later that day when I called her back, " No egg from her today Mom, she was having Braxton Chicks contractions."

My BFF calls me up and says "Girl, I bout ran off the driveway into the ditch!" Me, " OMG! You ok?" Jess," yeah I'm ok, but that chicken who jumped up on my seat while I was driving is being plucked right now!" a hen had gotten into her car and about scared her to death driving down their long country driveway. I bout wet my pants LMAO
Tell him what will happen if he eats watermelon seeds
He'd probably believe it!! This dog really understands what you say. No kidding!! You can tell him to go lay down on mom and dad's porch (across the field) and he will take off over there, get on the porch and lay down. He's smart!! He's technically not my dog. He belongs to the neighbor but he won't go home. He growls at his "owner". Like I said, He's smart!!
Said to the dog a little while ago: You eat that chicken food and you'll be clucking and laying eggs in no time! Get out of it!!!

Did he listen? Why, NO. I had to run him out of it. Silly dog.:gig

Reminds me of my ex. I'd be just whistling away and he'd say "You been eating bird seeds again?"

:gig I never ate bird seed but that was one of the few good ones he ever came up with.

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