Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Momma! Quit pecking the drill!! It's not food! ---Said to Momma as she watched me drill the board back into place on their coop. I had to set the drill down to get the screw back in the hole and she decided to start pecking it. Silly Hen!!!

She stood there and watched me put all four screws in the board and get the board fastened back to the coop. I looked at her and asked, " think you can do it tomorrow for me?"
OUCH! Hey, I am attached to that scab!
"Braxton Chicks contractions" ......... Your child is a genius.
Was that for me? I was the one calling MY mama about it,LOL. She was about to wet her pants when I was giving her the play by play. Like "Mama, Molly is in there with Foghorn. Looks like he's trying to coach her.",

These are Too funny to pick one!!!!

My hens have a "Feather god mother!" the cousin I ordered with has helped and taught me so much!

Recent ones:
To my 5 yr old,"Son! if you pick your nose after messing with them chickens you will get bird brain!"

To the waiter at iHop," Yeah, I guess we will take home that left over pancake mess to my hens. I'm paying for it,something at my house should eat it!" turns out she has chickens too.

Today: This is a doozy. I preface this by: We live in the boonies, have varmits,and are legal God fearing gun owners:

I refereed earlier to my husbands friend, Big Al messing with us about when are we going to eat one. Today we're sitting inside and hear 2 shots very rapidly from somewhere in our yard! It startled all of us, even though we are accustomed to gun fire, b/c it was SO close! My husband goes for the shot gun b/c we seriously thought someone was trying to shoot us. I look outside and notice Big Al's truck. I tell husband who was here. We go running outside to see what in the Sam Hill was going on. Big Al is standing there holstering his pistol. He says," I know I probably scared the S$#T out of yall,and I'm soorry for that, but there was a varmit after your chickens! It's the same varmit y'all have been trying to exterminate, I saw it after your hens. I saw it in the {opened } coop and went after it. I missed it the first shot,and got it with the 2nd." He says this all matter of factly,but his hand was shaking. Shooting anything is not taken lightly here,so actually having to pursue the varmit kinda shook him up. We learned a valuable lesson about chicken ownership today. We have best enough friends who will shoot varmits who are getting our hens! You don't need any better kinds!
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