Things you wish you could say

The genealogists claim everyone is descended from a single "Eve".

The more DNA results they get, the less that I hear this claim.
The question is complicated by the fact that there are a number of genetic bottlenecks, where the human race was reduced to only a handful of survivors. The most recent is recorded in nearly every culture as a flood. It is entirely possible that at some point there was only one set of survivors, one family. We can't discount it just because the current evidence for modern humans doesn't show this.
The genealogists claim everyone is descended from a single "Eve".

The more DNA results they get, the less that I hear this claim.
Even if everyone is descended from one particular woman, it may not tell much about how many other people were alive at the time.

For example:
I am descended from my great grandmother. I have a cousin who is descended from the same great grandmother. But we each have 3 other great grandmothers who were living about the same time (plus 4 great grandfathers). The one great-grandma that I share with my cousin is our common ancestor but she is not the only ancestor of either of us.

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