Things you wish you could say

Wish I could say: I am immune to poison ivy, like my DH and his brother are. Apparently they inherited this immunity from their late father. I hate them all! :hit
Funny story, when I was a kid I used to grab various leaves from around the yard and play with them. I didn't find out that one of the sprig of leaves I was playing with was poison ivy until I saw the plant on TV. And that's how I found out that i'm not allergic to poison ivy
Funny story, when I was a kid I used to grab various leaves from around the yard and play with them. I didn't find out that one of the sprig of leaves I was playing with was poison ivy until I saw the plant on TV. And that's how I found out that i'm not allergic to poison ivy
Sure let's go!
I’m packed and ready. Now is probably the best time to go before winter comes back around.
One of y'all swing by and grab me please. Banff is on my bucket list.
Tell you what…If my flight gets rerouted to Phoenix for whatever reason then I’ll let ya know, so you can run like hell outta there to get to the airport on time before the next flight to Canadia takes off :p
Run Away The Office GIF
Indeed. Stop crimes against vegetables.
Vegetables lives matter.
Leave them in the ground and leave them be, people
Oh no. All wrong. Knowing that they will contribute to my dinner is what gives my carrots purpose and meaning in their lives. Without that higher purpose they would get depressed.

Funny story, when I was a kid I used to grab various leaves from around the yard and play with them. I didn't find out that one of the sprig of leaves I was playing with was poison ivy until I saw the plant on TV. And that's how I found out that i'm not allergic to poison ivy
Very similar with me. Only one day suddenly I got allergic. After years of pulling the vines with my bare hands I went all out full reaction. Needed a course of steroids. The doc said repeated exposure can cause the allergy to develop. Well it was nice while it lasted!
No, no, I know how hard it is to get to the high up people. I was thinking more like reporting this stuff to the government if there's such a place to do that, but I don't know much about places to report that other than that it's always going to be a pain.
There are places to report things to the government but there is no point if what is being reported is not illegal. Stupidity is not illegal.
Yeah, the gov doesn’t care if someone gets robbed or anything. They just file a report and stick it in with all the other records. Same thing goes for rape test kits unless the attacker is known by their victim(s) and can be apprehended. Most of the time in grand auto theft and larceny cases the judges will dismiss the case due to the suspect claiming that they had “received” the stolen property from someone else and are unable to make payment…Then the law just lets them walk free again to continue crime spreeing around the nation and making other people miserable. There isn’t really any justice to be had unless you were to take matters into your own hands and hunt ‘em down yourself…Which is exactly what the police advise not to do ‘cos they don’t want anybody getting hurt or killed in the process of doing that.

Some people just really suck.

ETA: As for the hotels lack of security situation at the time…Yeah, nah. They didn’t care about it and no one ever responded back to me.
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