Things you wish you could say

Wish I could say ... that out of the 15 lav EE I drove 8 hours to purchase back in April, 10 of them are not cockerels! TEN! :barnie:he
But they are beautiful. Oh look, here comes one now!

Hey, it could be worse! At least I got five pullets out of the deal, met a great lady and had a wonderful road trip with my GC! :old Now if I can just sell some of these cockerels ...
If you were closer to me, I'd be tempted because they're gorgeous. I'm having enough trouble trying to keep the one I have quiet, though.
If you were closer to me, I'd be tempted because they're gorgeous. I'm having enough trouble trying to keep the one I have quiet, though.
At four months, out of ten cockerels, I have heard one little crow. They're not jumping on the girls. They're very good little boys. Maybe I could meet you half way! 🤣

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