Things you wish you could say

awesome, glad they finally got to it.
That's another thing, if a storm rolled through, there is damage everywhere and the workers have so much to do, they can't jump and be on every problem.

It's like a catch 22. Do we take care of the ones bitching about NO power, or the ones bitching about power problems? So we turn the power off so it don't start a fire, until we can get a crew to it (because the line that is down that feeds the hospital is more important) then they complain about that. Im NOT saying this YOU but just as a general rule. Ive ridden out several hurricanes with the power company now and every one it's the same thing. My poodle gets the runs if the AC is not on, you need to fix it NOW !!! while we have a transmission tower down across the major interstate and 4 substations wiped out by fallen trees and debris. when will my power come back on!! well ma'am you live in a low area, your transformer is currently under 2 feet of water, well FIX IT!! well you know what, here's the phone number to your local church, why don't you go and talk to Jesus because HE's the one who caused this storm, so you take it up with him. You let him know that you are VERY UNHAPPY with him right now, im sure he'll get right on it!!

This IS things we wish we could say right? :D

When I talked with a live person, I did say that we did have power (so not a big deal) and that nothing was burning (though I didn't know it was smoldering). I know they had much bigger fish to fry than my little issue.

I'm just glad to have it taken care of. When I walked out to see what they were doing, I thanked them and told them to be safe.

Nobody got hurt, nothing was damaged, and we will have some more fire wood easily accessible with the Jeep an trailer. And I think I'll sleep much better tonight.
its not friends

its family.
My ex wife is the same with our daughters. I told them to learn from this by being a better mom to your own children and now they are. For my teen girls I did my best to fill the roll as both mom and dad. I think it makes them good mom and aunt now. Sorry for what you are going through and sorry that the best advice I can tell ya is to learn from it.
Well, there's always the Ignore function, you click someones name then you click the button that says ignore, many adults do this when they disagree with someone in a forum and it works wonders! . Most forums have this sort of function. It's like self Karening so you don't have to waste a mods time complaining about an opinion you do not agree with, you can make it go away all by yourself! Poor Frankly, he must feel horrible now being called out like that!

Something I've like to say, and I hope no one comments on this because I donvt want to create any polemic heated argument (and know there might be people against my way of thinking). But here it goes:

In the past there were far more contagious and lethal diseases; why does anyone (individuals or governments feel the right to pressure others into taking a vaccine or not?) It's a violation of human rights that's what it is. People have the right to take an emergency vaccine if they want and there are others that choose to wait because this all just seems too close to human experimentation. Most vaccines took years in testing before they were authorized. Just saying that if you are conscious, take care of yourself, stay away from others if you are sick (which normal conscious people do) then no one should be forced to be vaccinated of quarantined. Our immune system hasn't become obsolete!

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