Things you wish you could say

If you put Fragile on the package, they try even harder to destroy it.
I know stuff gets thrown around through the trucks and stuff, but it still makes me so angry and surprised how destroyed things get. Especially when I put care to be sure they are safe.
Just a little FYI….

Here’s a little shipping update from down here in the DFW area of Texas:


So, as I used to drive OTR as a driver trainer, I have a little agreement with you about your rant on package damage but, I want to add that one detail that’s just as frustrating to me is knowing how many “professional drivers” are honestly under-equipped mentally for their jobs. The physics alone is easily a weekend chat I could have with anyone….. Butidigress

/end of line.
I think Ive read threads here of them doing that with baby chicks too, delivering them way late, way dead :(

Probably. I was in the Post Office picking up hatching eggs. They were talking about holding the chicks they had received and because of the blizzard outside, delivering them the next week.
When you post about a sick chicken, you have to give information. You cannot just say "my rooster does not feel good. He limps around and he looks bad. I am giving him corid. Help me please!" With a title of "Help! My rooster is sick! PLEASE HELP!" Instead say the roosters age and preferably breed. List symptoms and give an accurate description. List the treatments you are doing. As a title say "My rooster is sick. I need advice!
I talk to our mailman fairly frequently and he tells me that a lot of the places, the bigger distro centers, the equipment is old, broken down etc, and a lot of the damage you see is not so much from the trucks and the mail people delivering, because once they get into the trucks, they are pretty much in their crates and stay there until they get closer to their destination cities, but the initial conveyors and sorting equipment before they truck them up is where they get tore up. True or a 'oh no that's not me' I dunno but sounds very plausible.

Just a little FYI….

Here’s a little shipping update from down here in the DFW area of Texas:
View attachment 2934832

View attachment 2934833

So, as I used to drive OTR as a driver trainer, I have a little agreement with you about your rant on package damage but, I want to add that one detail that’s just as frustrating to me is knowing how many “professional drivers” are honestly under-equipped mentally for their jobs. The physics alone is easily a weekend chat I could have with anyone….. Butidigress

/end of line.
I personally was not referring to the semi drivers but rather the package handlers and in some cases the local delivery personnel. I have received packages that still had the tread marks on them from a vehicle being driven over them.
I personally was not referring to the semi drivers but rather the package handlers and in some cases the local delivery personnel. I have received packages that still had the tread marks on them from a vehicle being driven over them.
It’s okay Elkman, I was actually just referring to the eloquent & vivid rant by someone else and thought I’d share my 2 cents. (Shrugs)
That's sad. Have had the same thing here, I ship coffee beans, and generally when one of those packages gets run over, beans everywhere, I get a part of a label back, with an oopsie note attached..... then they'll STILL deny the damage claim :(

So, I am not allowed to vent too? I thought this was a place where people could talk freely, yet you seem to get all bent every time I say something. If you dislike me so much, then why don't you just click the ignore button like mentioned so many times. I was under the impression people could discuss freely here, not I want to throw a tantrum and nobody better say anything about it. Part of the venting process is not to just throw a childish tantrum, as you seem to want, but to speak with others, possibly glean alternative viewpoints into something that may be bothering you. Maybe something was misunderstood. Maybe other people are experiencing the same frustration you are and someone may have an idea that can help the venter better cope. How to know if everyone is afraid to speak to each other? The corollary may be, if you are going to say something in a PUBLIC forum, then don't be shocked if someone REPLIES in that PUBLIC forum.

So lets play your way.

Totally new subtopic. My rant / vent:

I get tired of people who complain every time someone says something about getting rid of predators, like it's such a horrible thing to want to keep your pets safe. Why do we live in homes and not in the wilds with predators? Why do we lock our doors? To protect that which we care for. Why is it a horrible thing to want to protect our pets too?

I ask a valid question, yet nobody seems to have an answer. If we are not to kill predators, then what ARE we supposed to do with them? They are not going to just magically go away because we wish them to? You can predator proof a ton but some things, like coons are pretty darned smart and figure out how to get past many predator proofings.

Honest Question:
If you don't like people killing predators, then what valid alternative solution do you have that they could use instead? Some things are too smart for traps, so how to get rid of them or protect your flock from them?

Wait, never mind don't answer, we are not allowed to. Forgot those new rules.

You are just as welcome to vent here as anyone else, but your responses have often been confrontational and argumentative rather than helpful. As you said, we are free to ignore you, but don't be surprised if people object when you post counter to the spirit of a thread.

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