Things you wish you could say

Organic - Contains Carbon. That is the scientific definition of Organic. Anything else YOU want to attach to it is on YOU, and WE are NOT liable for YOUR beliefs. That is what their lawyers will cling to.

See the problem is, everyone, every industry wants to put their special spin on that word, because it lets them sell THEIR product for mo munny!! Which at the end of the day is what the game is about... period. Lets change the definition to mean this for these people, that for that group, etc. Soon, nobody really knows what it really means or was meant to mean or if it means what they say it means in the way they meant it to sound, not meaning to be mean, if you know what I mean.

I could squeeze a stanley steamer into a bag, if the food I ate was organic, and I didn't eat any chemicals to chase it thru with, well guess what, you got ORGANIC, it passed right thru my Organs, right to your plate !! Prove it wrong.... We might be able to argue what the product is called but it's still... organic...

Quality, that's another word people have problems with. WHAT exactly does that mean? Ask 20 different people and you are going to get a lot of different answers, but I guaranTEE you, the people who sold you that bag of dirt chips, will insist they were TOP quality !!

Oh, and that's not DIRT you tasted, that's au NATURAL, EARTH Heathen !!


I agree with you but I'm not here to argue as well. I choose what to eat, regardless of branding, is my choice. By my own conviction and research. Now, the reason why I brought up bbq chip flavor because you expect one thing and get something unexpected.
In some parts of town, *that* might be BBQ. Some places they like mustard based stuff, others hickory, others 'cajun' others mesquite. etc etc. Black Jack Oak is big around here. Tons of ways to BBQ and even more woods and flavorings to use when you do. Still I understand your point, you'd expect at least something that HAD flavor, not the flavor of swept off the floor and put in a bag at half price, because after all it's generic, if you don't like it, pay double for the 'real' stuff :D

Sometimes I think some of the generic stuff could also be branded, it's getting ready to expire so hurry and sell it cheap before the bugs get big enough that they can SEE them !!

That’s right “Chef Mike” (wink w/knowing and kind hearted giggle)
:lau speaking of that, @Overo Mare and I decided recently (ish) that my new name should be Chef Jaskier (after my favorite character from The Witcher 😁) because I’ve been better at cooking lately and need a new one :lau BUT THEN! We decided it would never stick and I’m gonna be stuck with Chef Mike forever :lau :gig :lau which I honestly find hilarious anyway so it’s all good 😂🤣 but if you ever want to start getting the ball rolling on the new trend 😉😜
:lau speaking of that, @Overo Mare and I decided recently (ish) that my new name should be Chef Jaskier (after my favorite character from The Witcher 😁) because I’ve been better at cooking lately and need a new one :lau BUT THEN! We decided it would never stick and I’m gonna be stuck with Chef Mike forever :lau :gig :lau which I honestly find hilarious anyway so it’s all good 😂🤣 but if you ever want to start getting the ball rolling on the new trend 😉😜
You've been doing much better.

RIP to all the eggs and pancakes that gave their life for your progress.

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