Things you wish you could say

I don't choose to hate people, I just do. I've also hated individuals who aren't stupid, but the anger comes and goes.
It's always a choice, if you have any self awareness at all.
No, it really isn't. I am aware of my negative feelings towards others yet there have been many occasions when haven't been able to do anything about them, aside from lashing out at the individual(s) in question, which is something that I know I would do again.
I choose to avoid people who are irritating to me---too much energy wasted in aggravation!
:bow In my job I had to deal with individuals with lots of initials after their names. Many were fine people - others were egotists on a power trip. After retirement I have chosen to ignore those who walk through life acting as if their actions have no impact on others.:goodpost:
No, it really isn't. I am aware of my negative feelings towards others yet there have been many occasions when haven't been able to do anything about them, aside from lashing out at the individual(s) in question, which is something that I know I would do again.
Your choice, have fun with that. ;)
Learned it's not worth the energy, not to mention the misery I created for myself.
No, it really isn't. I am aware of my negative feelings towards others yet there have been many occasions when haven't been able to do anything about them, aside from lashing out at the individual(s) in question, which is something that I know I would do again.
This is your opinion. The reality many of us have come to see and understand is different from your opinion. As a veteran who's been in counseling and different types of therapy over the last 20+ years; plus over a decade of college on top of that.... fatalism with regard to the human mind/condition/etal is a topic that can't effectively be debated in this format because there are many variable and nuances that are easily "lost in the Ethernet."

In time and with good counseling I do know you will see the error in your logical POV. Be it a decade or a lifetime. This is not to worry over. For education and enlightenment are not a race but, a journey each of us has.

I do hope you see there is no malice or disrespect from me, here.
cheers Dude.

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