Things you wish you could say

I feel there is an interesting story here. Why were the birds working on the tractor?

Sorry, other than letting them handle it, no.

I think this is the best way.

How'd it get on them? Were they hanging out under the tractor?

Rats. We have a pipeline that burst, and the tractor has been sitting there for months, and (of course mainly the ones with white) birds have been camping under there when it's hot. My mosaics, polish, Isabellas and Orpingtons (so about 20 birds, not including any that are only colored and not greasy) are all literally greasy to the touch and I'm only about to do 3 or 4 birds at a time before I have to replace all the water because it's too thick to continue washing.
Back to things you wish you could say. (or what bugs me)
It bugs me when someone posts a question without any pertinent information but with lots of meaningless information.
If you are having an issue in your flock whether health or behavioral,
I don't need to know the names of the birds - that isn't helpful.
I need to know breeds, ages, numbers, housing/bedding/roosting/ventilation description, penned or free range, where in the world are you, etc.
I don't care what the names are. That tells me absolutely nothing.

Maybe I should answer with, "Bruce is a really crappy name for a chicken, maybe that's his problem."
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Many things that seem unpalatable are quite good if properly cooked.
As a young child, I really liked liver. My mother had a cooking method that made it delicious. However, she couldn't cook fried chicken to save her soul.
Totally agree. Before we got married, my husband thought I was a picky eater because there are a lot of things I didn't like, such as steak, barbecue, Mexican food, etc. Turns out that my mother overcooked the steak, there is more than one flavor of bbq sauce, and I don't like cumin but I actually like a lot of Mexican food! Not so picky after all.
Back to things you wish you could say. (or what bugs me)
It bugs me when someone posts a question without any pertinent information but with meaningless information.
If you are having an issue in your flock whether health or behavioral, I don't need to know the names of the birds - that isn't helpful.
I need to know ages, breeds, quantity, housing, penned or free range, location, etc. I don't care what the names are.
Welcome to the world of IT. "My Adobe isn't working". Your Adobe what?! Acrobat Reader? Photoshop? Lightroom? Error messages? Any details at all?

That's like saying "My Microsoft isn't working."

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