Things you wish you could say

The road to town is very windy and hilly, no passing anywhere but there's a 2-3 mile straight portion in the middle that has multiple lanes, and there's always some yutz going 35 or 40 all the way through the hills until they reach that part and then they go 70 and you can't pass them and then they drop down to 35 again when the road narrows. :barnie
relating to my previous post.. you pass a slow moving car on the highway and they decide to race you? To say a tame version is "you crazy son of a duck"!
I had hat happen to me once. This guy was all over the road going over into the shoulder and center line at 50mph (60mph zone). Thought he was drunk so I pass him as I picked up my speed he starts racing me and there was a car coming! Luckily I pass him but he stayed on my tail gate until I pulled off my exist.
BTDT more often that I care to remember.... In *ALMOST* every state I have driven it....
be it person vehicle or contract driving or 18 wheeler.....

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