Things you wish you could say

I think it largely depends on the home environment, parents' level of responsibility and the kids' desire to learn. I was fully homeschooled from kindergarten to graduation, and I'm not sure that it was any better (or worse) than attending the local school. My social life was pretty strong as there were lots of extracurricular activities. Other kids weren't so lucky.

Contrary to popular belief, it didn't spare me from bullying or assist in developing stronger self-esteem. I regularly get a lot of crap from my peers, adults, and potential employers insisting that I never received an actual education. There's a *lot* of reasons I was unable to attend college after high school - financial, circumstantial, familial. Looking at the current job market, I'm not sure a degree would have made much difference (beyond certain fields, of course.)

ETA: (Hit the post button before I was done, damn it.)

Which leads me to my current rant:

The next person, young or old, who gets in my face for being unemployed needs a good, hard slap upside the head. Yes, I know I don't have a job! (I'm stuck in the no-job, no-car loop and as a small young woman it isn't safe to walk / bicycle to work in my area. Too many bad experiences.) But we're also in a horrible economy and the world is still reeling from the effects of 2020-21. Employers - especially those of larger businesses - need to pay a living wage so I can justify spending the money on fuel to drive a parents' car to your workplace. Quit whining that no one wants to work. Yes, there's some snowflakes who just want to sit on their rear ends and collect handouts, but we're not talking about them. I'm talking about the people who want to work, but can't because their paycheck doesn't provide them with enough to justify travel expenses.

Another ETA - And quit assuming that every twenty-something living with their parents is a damn leech. I not only have two elderly parents, but two disabled siblings, and have to be available to regularly help all of them. I'm not at home because I want to be.
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The fields I looked into (law, medical school, and large animal veterinary care) would have cost thousands of dollars and several years of study to properly complete. At the time I was supposed to attend school, we ended up taking our neighbors to court and I now have the experience of heavy debt without a house or college degree! But I can't explain that to most folks, so they just assume I didn't go because I'm a homeschooled bum. Back when I was a cashier, I was regularly told (by complete strangers!) that I should be in college. Yeah, I know.

I'm now attempting to bootstrap myself and get back on my feet. At this point, I'm just taking it one day at a time and hoping for the best. It's pretty infuriating to be told by folks receiving government assistance that I'd be better off if I'd just worked harder.
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Omg, Idk how 2 tty Zaelieghesme...

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