Things you wish you could say

I know of a case where an employee was fired but continued to show up for work the next 6 months because everyone was afraid to tell him he was fired.
Have you ever heard this story? A municipality goes to release a prisoner and they can't find him. After some investigation, it turns out No one ever picked him up. On further investigation, they found the man had turned his life around, wife, kids, home owner, had a business. They decided he had paid his debt to society and let him be.
Will chickens eat it or just everything else?
I don't let them into the garden. It's a ways from the run, no way to shuttle them.

I also have hawks and eagles overhead, so I'd be afraid to have them out when I couldn't be there. They have a covered run, and I'm not sure how "overhead predator" aware they'd be out in the open.

But wow, would it be cool if they'd eat all the weeds for me...

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