Things you wish you could say

Reminds me of something I read 25-30 years ago...

Gorton's (the fish brand in the store) was going to add a new line of fish products. It was Cod, and they were going to call it "Cod Pieces." Development was surprisingly far along before someone pulled the plug on that name.
…. and yet here we can purchase ‘cod pieces’ in the frozen seafood section of course 😆

Might send an email to the company and ‘explain’ about cod pieces!!
Man I just read them all...and cried a little.
Oh my. I can't stop reading there now Bee!

If you want an invite to the forums, let me know, but we haven't really been all techies in a very long time. It's a small group of people that have been hanging out there for 20+ years. The creator of CoG is now a senior editor at Ars Technica.
Sure you can send me an invite, PM me with any dets.

Have to say I have worked with a few Georges, and sometimes I would just like to say ‘your fired’ of course can’t because not my place to do so, but hey it’s something I wanted to say!
Oh my. I can't stop reading there now Bee!

😩😩😩😩View attachment 3663367
I read those also and got a huge laughter out his cussing out the one comment - of course being a Newfoundlander we have that colourful language naturally (could be why my manager was always after me to behave!).

Ya I would like to out loud cuss out some of my coworkers (OMG - actually I have 😳 just remembered! Bad Kelly bad bad Kelly!).

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