Things you wish you could say

When I was in grade school there was a boy who used to paint faces on rocks and give me “pet rocks as a token of affection”. His mom also told me that he cut a picture of me out of a yearbook and had it taped to the wall inside his closet. She said this as if it was somehow a normal totally not creepy thing to do…I’m still not sure if he thought he was part penguin or trying to be a future serial killer😅
:lau maybe he was just a slightly weird but harmless kid that had a crush?
:lau maybe he was just a slightly weird but harmless kid that had a crush?
I might have thought he was just slightly odd except he asked me to tie him to a cross and reenact the Passion of the Christ as “a game”. His family was heavily religious and I was not about to join their creepy cult thing they had going on😅 I ran into him a few years back and he looks exactly like those Jesus portraits every catholic grandma has hanging on her walls long hair and all🤣 Needless to say if someone has a rock pet or offers you one I would highly recommend running at full speed in the opposite direction lol
Chickens aren't gamebirds. They have been domesticated for a very long time and have completely different personalities. I have found that chickens tame and become friendly very easily.
Some strains/breeds/genes are more wild than others. The hatches that I have had the last two years are getting progressively wild. Tame a couple, deal with the flighty ones.

Ayam Cemani & game cock in the breeding from the rooster. Mothers were a mix of barnyard surprises and who knows. Real mutts. The eggs are getting smaller. Time for a reset on the breeding stock.
Some strains/breeds/genes are more wild than others. The hatches that I have had the last two years are getting progressively wild. Tame a couple, deal with the flighty ones.

Ayam Cemani & game cock in the breeding from the rooster. Mothers were a mix of barnyard surprises and who knows. Real mutts. The eggs are getting smaller. Time for a reset on the breeding stock.
So, just like dogs, breeds of chickens have personality characteristics of their own.

I want ayam cemani. They're beautiful, and I'm okay if they're not super tame.

Any animal can become accustomed to people and may even let you get quite close or even touch them if you understand their nature and treat them accordingly. That does not mean that this is a good idea or that they're not still wild animals, however.

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