Things you wish you could say

Neither your ethnicity nor age are legitimate excuses for your rudeness. Perhaps retirement or a job not dealing with the public would suit you better?
Indeed, kindness is for everyone regardless of what you look like, how old you are, where you or your family came from. There's too much ugliness in the world already, no need to add to it yourself
I wish I could say that my mental health has not declined to the point that I no longer have a job, and my family has needed to step in to pay the bills. I am not, currently, looking for employment. If I go back out there in this mindset... Yeah. I am pretty much going to disappear from life until my mind is back to how it was pre-2022. 🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️
@Kay-T-Hammer, I'm thinking of you, hoping things get back on track for you soon.
Thank you. 🙏🏻 I know how to get back to it, so I'm starting the process. Meditation, exercise, "diet" (I stopped eating sweets back in late September, so this one's the easiest for me), and depriving the world of my presence until all of my energy is focused inward. This last one is always the hardest, because I'm an extroverted introvert. 😅 My schedule is full because of the holidays, so I don't have adequate time to meditate fully or do a full-out workout. But I have set myself a New Year's Resolution that I demand myself to complete before the New Year rings in: I will be done smoking (not my nic stick, though, because that's a pipe dream in such a small time frame), no more drinking, 3 hour workout regiment in the morning before chores. These are things I know I can do, and with discipline I can do them well before NY. Due to work-related illness, I have already started dropping weight, and over-eating is just not possible for me anymore, so this can only lead to my other goal of losing some pounds (I was 208 on 10/15. I started becoming ill in late November, and was 190.1 on 12/13). All of this will help center me so I can start to focus on fixing the fissures that have appeared in my mental health.

Yeah. This is a normal process for me at this point, and I know exactly how to move back into it in the most efficient manner now. The only problem is that it takes time...precious, precious time. 😔🥺🕒
I wish I could say that my mental health has not declined to the point that I no longer have a job, and my family has needed to step in to pay the bills. I am not, currently, looking for employment. If I go back out there in this mindset... Yeah. I am pretty much going to disappear from life until my mind is back to how it was pre-2022. 🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️
We're with you, Kiddo! (I say Kiddo bc anyone who has a job has to be younger than me, possibly by decades.) I've fought this battle myself so I get it. All the best to you! ❤️
You're seriously asking others if they know of any full time jobs?! RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME? I can't get you for register backup or to work an hour over so someone can get lunch or we're swamped and you just waltz out.
You're incompetent, slow, can't answer phones, do register or load outs.
So, by all means, please leave but no one in their right mind would give you full time, if they're dumb enough to hire you to begin with.
People that whine on facebook about how we serve our school lunches. Ok, first of all, you can pack your kids' lunches if they don't like what we serve. Second of all, if YOU, as a parent, have issues with us, call the food service administrator and talk to her. Saying something, anonymously, on facebook gets you nowhere. Have some balls and say something to the school. No wonder your kids are pansies, you taught them that

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