Things you wish you could say

Here, have a cup of all natural hemlock! Tried one of these mushrooms lately?
That's what I'm saying. Not all things natural are good. I'll stick with the herbs in my one herb book
I am going to go down a random rabbit hole!
Poison ivy was historically used as a remedy for dozens of skin issues, such as curing shingles, measles, or sores in general. I also seem to recall reading that it was used on some form of wound... Maybe burns or open wounds? To help stop infection and form a "natural" Band-Aid over to area, and help it heal faster. Interesting stuff! I can't find much on it with a quick search. But it's cool nonetheless.
You first
When you don’t teach your children coping skills don’t be surprised when they can’t handle life when something bad happens. Also see: don’t be shocked when your children grow up to be little azzhats because as toddlers you tried to teach them bodily autonomy by teaching them they can say NO to WHATEVER. Fun fact: there are times in life you will have to do something you don’t want to do.

(Full disclosure I’m new to this thread and didn’t read most of it- sorry if this is a repeat sentiment)

*bodily autonomy is a good thing to be taught I am specifying the way it was taught- with the expectation there would never be any exceptions

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