Things you wish you could say

Growing up in a rural area us kids went to school came home did homework and went to bed, we did not go anywhere in the evenings. Saturday morning was our dance class, the parents went shopping. Then home.

So there was no pick up the kids issue.

Then when I got my license I became the ‘go-fer’ - I was eggcited to have mum ask me to go to the grocery store for something. That lasted for about a dozen times until I figured out I was the go-fer hahahaha.

I was then eggspected to drive myself and sister to dance class while my parents relaxed at home.
Oh dear Lord we are the same person (except for dance class)! I got teary eyed when my Mom was so excited for me to get my DL, until I realized I was now running ALL errands and being my sister’s chauffeur. Good Times
Pro parenting tip: keep your teen driver interested in going to the store for you longer by giving them a couple bucks gas money when they get back(more than the cost of the gas used for that trip, and never an expected amount) it keeps them guessing but also rewards them for helping with some fun money.

Only works if you make your kids pay for their own gas obviously
"I have ocd..."
No, you don't. You're just too full of yourself and a control freak to accept anything you deem 'not up to your standard'.
So you micromanage everything and everyone around you until no one can stand you, correcting everything, commenting about others flaws and accidents as if they directly affect you when they don't. Commenting as if only the audience and not your intended comentee can also hear you.

Your fall from your imaginary pedestal that you've put yourself on will not be near as long of a trip as you would like to believe.
I wish I could say that the parents of my nephews were responsible adults.

Tuesday I was asked to pick the boys up from school and bring them home Wednesday and Thursday since their 16year old sister was on a two day long school trip so obviously she wasn’t there to drive them home. Sure no problem. I’ll work around the fact that I work night shift.
Wednesday morning I have a confirmation text message with their mom that yes I am still picking them up after school. Wednesday afternoon I drive to town, spend ten minutes finding a parking spot and another ten minutes locating the boys. We are headed to the car when the younger one says “I think I saw my dad..” so we wait, sure enough he comes rolling around the block. Sent boys home with dad. Tell them I’ll see them tomorrow.
Wednesday evening another text conversation with their mom, she apologized for the mix up and said that their dad would text me what the plans were for Thursday before noon.
Thursday, no text messages come.
I send a message to their dad asking if I am getting the boys or not. No reply.
I go pick up boys. 45 min after pick up he finally texts back “hope you got the boys, and if you did thank you. My phone turned off sorry”
Like dude, really??? These are YOUR kids! Be responsible! (Also the parents are together so the lack of communication about THEIR kids also amazes me)
I've had same happen except that grandson had already been picked up & we were doing a frantic search because some Dad didn't sign him out. I needed to go pick up younger son & was headed to car. Staff were ready to call police, when my daughter & i both got random text "o, forgot. Got off early & just got younger son from daycare, too..."

I was actually quite ill for a bit.

Today I'm watching him due to him having a fever at school yesterday. Even if gone today, he can't go. I meet daughter w/ him later - pics at Habitat House (if he's not sick??)... He's already whining, since today was supposed to be a Valentines party... love my grands, but things have been interesting.
What did the toaster do this time?
:eek: How did you know?
Oh don't worry about that - I am sure they deserve it!
Mom always said, "Only a crazy person swears at inanimate objects." Evidently Dad was a crazy person. There's a story about him working on a baler, hitting his hand and throwing the tool into the hayfield. Yep, took him a long time to find it.

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