Time-lapse: From Chick to Chicken


In the Brooder
Aug 9, 2015
Hello everyone! I'm very excited to share the pictures of my chicks growing up, from day one to week 16.
This thread is for anyone who wants to share the astounding change from cute fluffy down to fully feathered beauties.

Alright I'll get to it then!: I bought 9 of my chicks from the cackle hatchery, and three I bought from "Awesome Chicken Lady" (that's the contact name on my phone, she's a local chicken breeder)..... And I named ALL of them. As any chicken parent should
(except the Welsummers because I have no idea how to identify them
My reason for this is because I bought 5 Easter Eggers and I was dying to know what they looked like when they grew up: so I scoured the internet trying to find any sort of hint as to what they could be like. I did find one thread on BYC, but it wasn't enough to satisfy my curiosity ;P. I thought it would be cool to post my time-lapse for those curious and impatient people like myself. I tried to take pictures every week or so but towards the end the change was near complete so I wasn't too strict with it.

So lets start with the first two I bought from Awesome Chicken Lady: Copper and Zelda
This is Copper supposedly a Amerucana/Maran mix with a pea comb and feathered feet (I wanted Olive Eggers so I took the mutts off her hands ;P)
I honestly though it was a pullet up till...

...BAAAAM! he started to crow
, not long after that I had to give him up

Next is Zelda, Copper's sister. I though she was a he but she's not :]. Most likely a Amerucana/ Black Copper Maran mix with single comb and a beard (Olive Egger I hope).

LOVE HER. Makes the silliest faces at the camera.

Look at this! She's looking at me as if I'm a hallucination!!

(bear with me because I'll have to do multiple posts :p)
So here are my Easter Eggers (bought from Cackle Hatchery): I absolutely love how their beards are so big as well as their neck feathers.

So this is Burnedette, named after my favorite history teacher in highschool. He had a beard as well

She's my favorite Easter Egger so far... shhhhh

This is Lil' Bibi, she actually has a crooked toe, but that makes her all the more special :)

This is Lunette, she doesn't like me much...

Yeah this girl is scary, especially now that she's mature and all. She almost looks like Dracula, its fantastic :p

This is Einstein... she's not smart despite the name, she always jumped on the food as a chick as well as on her siblings

haha, chickens are not meant to look straight at the camera

That's Lunette in the back glaring at me.

This is Malificent, she was the runt but she was fierce. I was hoping she would be a beautiful black, but she's a little scary looking

like what just happened? she looks like a bald man :p

she looks better now though
This is a bantam Millie Fleur Frizzle, the third chicken from Awesome Chicken Lady. She is my absolute favorite, she looks like shes wearing pj's and petting her is a whole new experience: the feathers spring back and its SO FLUFFY!

I have 4 Welsummers and I couldn't tell them apart, so it's all mismatch. The only thing that grew slower was their combs

One is darker

Beautiful feathering and gorgeous dark speckled eggs

By now I can now tell them apart some, the first one on the top left is RosPaulba (She is LOUD.), then its Athena in the right top corner. I still haven't named the other two, they don't like me much :/
Wow thanks! I'm honored Flock Master
. They are awesome chickens, Got my first green egg yesterday and I know now I won't have a flock without this breed in the mix.
I applaud you're tenacity to take pics each week for that long.......it's hard to do, especially after a couple weeks.
Wow love that you did this and were able to keep up with it. I meant well and actually tried and got all messed up and forgot to take pictures....lol! You did an awesome job. And you have beautiful chickens. I love their looks. I have Ameraucanas and Marans and was thinking once they got to laying and mating that I wanted to go for some olive eggers. I'd love you see some of those eggs when you get the time to post a pic.

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