Our original girls will be 2 years old this year and were gonna be hatching chicks from them this year to add more fresh girls. However I'm planning on being strict on who to keep. More than likely all cockerels will have to go. We have to high of predator pressure to keep a free range flock. While I'm not in particular sensitive to the risk my mother on the other hand is.
When it comes to pullets is there anything you should be looking at that makes a nice backyard flock? I'll be prioritizing friendliness in general. Our resident drama queen Goldy will not be repeated lol. Pic of our cockerel/rooster Casanova and a pic of Goldy.
Our other breeds are store bought from tractor supply, black australorps, buff orpingtons and gold lace wyandotte. I'm interested to see the colorations that come out. I was told our boy is a ameracauna possibly black australorp cross but I'm just calling him a mixed breed cause I have no idea the person had so many breeds lol
Also how do you decide pricing on selling pullets? I know cockerels wont be much if anything. Specially when it comes to backyard mixes.
When it comes to pullets is there anything you should be looking at that makes a nice backyard flock? I'll be prioritizing friendliness in general. Our resident drama queen Goldy will not be repeated lol. Pic of our cockerel/rooster Casanova and a pic of Goldy.
Our other breeds are store bought from tractor supply, black australorps, buff orpingtons and gold lace wyandotte. I'm interested to see the colorations that come out. I was told our boy is a ameracauna possibly black australorp cross but I'm just calling him a mixed breed cause I have no idea the person had so many breeds lol
Also how do you decide pricing on selling pullets? I know cockerels wont be much if anything. Specially when it comes to backyard mixes.