Tractor Supply Co Sexing - Accurate?

There is a guy here in my area that actually sells "straight run", with a Rooster return policy. :clap:clapI figure it's kind of smart if you have a second "summer coop" setup. The customer buys chicks at $4 each, if you get a rooster, you return it to him at a set time sometime in August, and get your money back. 1-you get rid of a rooster, 2- he gets a "fed" bird--ready to be butchered!! ....only drawback I see is any disease etc...that might come back with them...but it it was away from his primary flock...maybe it wouldn't matter.
Customers at my local TSC like to mix the chicks so they can get them cheaper. There has been several times where I went there to buy feed and I caught people picking up pullets out of one bin priced around $3 and putting them into straight run bins priced around $1-$2. (Don't remember the exact prices!) My TSC has horrible customer service and are always in the back. Normally only one person is at the register.
There is a guy here in my area that actually sells "straight run", with a Rooster return policy. :clap:clapI figure it's kind of smart if you have a second "summer coop" setup. The customer buys chicks at $4 each, if you get a rooster, you return it to him at a set time sometime in August, and get your money back. 1-you get rid of a rooster, 2- he gets a "fed" bird--ready to be butchered!! ....only drawback I see is any disease etc...that might come back with them...but it it was away from his primary flock...maybe it wouldn't matter.

Aww, it'd be sad to raise the little guys and then send 'em back to be butchered, but I suppose that's all they're really used for - seems rare to find someone needing a rooster that can't find one. :( If they didn't need so many hens to themselves, I wouldn't mind taking on extra roosters.
Could you take pictures of all the chicks for all of us to see? It would be greatly appreciated!
Oh gosh, I hope that's not an issue for mine. They came in at about 2 PM Aug 3rd/today, and I'm going to go get the chicks as soon as they open at 8 AM Aug 4th/tomorrow. Hoping they didn't mix them up by then! There were only 3 or 4 bins, so I hope they don't mix them up as easily. As awful as it is to say, if only there was a return policy in case I get another cockerel or two. :lau:hit

Oops, just reread it - the TSC near my house has a gate all around the chicks so people can't reach in to grab the chicks, touch them, etc. but the employee's I saw moving them into the bins didn't seem to care much. I almost saw a mix-up by the 2 people doing it. :hmm They were doing it super quickly, too, and just piling the poor chicks on top of each other in the bins. Didn't prepare food and water in there first, heat lamps were off, bedding didn't have time to heat up, etc. Maybe it's just me, but even I was cold inside that store, so hopefully the chicks weren't too cold before their lamps heated up.

Also, last time I went to get chicks there (back in spring) on of the bins had 3 dead chicks in it, and 2 that looked like they were barely holding on! :hit Pretty sure it was the EE bin, or another small breed like that; the chicks looked a little smaller than the ones in the other bins. I hope other TSC's treat their chicks better. Normally I'd ship from a breeder so I know my money wouldn't be seen by the "corporate big wigs" as "Hey, let's order more chicks and send 'em out!", but I'm so worried they'd die in the heat - it's over 100 constantly with humidity where I am currently. :barnie
Customers at my local TSC like to mix the chicks so they can get them cheaper. There has been several times where I went there to buy feed and I caught people picking up pullets out of one bin priced around $3 and putting them into straight run bins priced around $1-$2. (Don't remember the exact prices!) My TSC has horrible customer service and are always in the back. Normally only one person is at the register.

Oh gosh.. hoping that's not what happened with my accidental 3 cockerel's! And hoping it doesn't happen this time. :( Mine has a gate all the way around it that'd be pretty hard for people to get their hands into the bins, especially to switch chicks around. Perhaps I just have short arms ( :p ), but I don't think I'd be able to reach all the way to the bottom of the tub without climbing in the pen and moving 'em around. The employee's at mine also get the chicks they choose out for you, too - usually the healthiest ones, in their eyes - so you can't really pick and choose the chick you want. I'm sure if I asked, they'd get one I specifically asked for, but I'm not sure.

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