After taking the fertile eggs out of the nest and putting them in neighbors incubator they hatched within a few days. These are our new little chicks. One of the four we took her did not survive hatching. Out of the three that were left with broody, one died after being kicked out of the nest and being too early to be broken out, one was killed in the nest by the mother and I just found the third one on the coop floor after being kicked out.
It turns out that she is just a terrible mother. And the eggs she was sitting on weren't even hers. She's a Rhode Island Red and the chicks are clearly astralorps. Just thought I'd share the mixed news. We're just happy we saved some of them. In the meantime I just got my own incubator. They were on clearance at TSC so I got a reasonably nice one for only fifty dollars.
Thanks for all the advice!