So that would be one Easter Egger and three that lay brown eggs.I occasionally get green eggs but not regularly. I get a lot of brown eggs. At least three a day. I never get white eggs aside from the duck eggs.
That means they should be breeds or mixes that commonly come from hatcheries, not the much wider variety of mixes that can come from someone's backyard flock.I got a lot from TSC and a few from Farm and Home and a local grainery.
The blue hen (looks gray) is probably a Sapphire Gem, which lays brown eggs.
The black hen could be a Black Australorp. They are fairly common, and lay brown eggs.
I think the one laying green eggs would be either the brown hen or the white one. If you find out which hen actually lays them, I'd love an update.
If the brown hen is the one who lays green eggs, she would probably be a Starlight Green Egger (sold by Hoovers Hatchery to many stores), or a similar hybrid from some other hatchery. If she is one of the brown layers, she is probably some kind of hatchery-specific mix. There many of those that go by many different names (Calico Princess, Gold Comet, and many others.)
The white hen could be a White Rock, or maybe an Amberlink, or a few other kinds of white chickens. Or she could be your Easter Egger (laying green eggs.)
Since you do not get any white eggs, then the white one is definitely not a White Leghorn.
Then there is a good chance you do have Orpington roosters.Orpington sounds familiar so I'm thinking it's probably that. One is a total jerk and the other is fairly passive.