Urgent: Hen Acting Somewhat Lethargic and Balloon-feeling Bottom

Addicted To Chickens

Profile Picture Made by @Duckpip
Premium Feather Member
My two, almost three year old Barred Plymouth Rock hen, Kiki, has a balloon-feeling bottom, which I've never felt before. She also seemed lethargic as she went up on the roost.

She tends to lay occasional softshell eggs specifically at night, and sometimes during the day. I believe this is a reproductive problem which I know can be very serious. Are there any ideas of what it is and how to treat it?
This sounds like water belly. It's untreatable, but there are ways to prolong her life like draining it. How is she standing? (When she pecks the ground, is her whole body leaning downward at an angle, or does she keep her back even and stretch her neck more?) Is she still eating and drinking that you know of? What does her vent look like? Sometimes with water belly their fluffly bum-bum feathers will get messy (though probably isn't always the case).
This sounds like water belly. It's untreatable, but there are ways to prolong her life like draining it. How is she standing? (When she pecks the ground, is her whole body leaning downward at an angle, or does she keep her back even and stretch her neck more?) Is she still eating and drinking that you know of? What does her vent look like? Sometimes with water belly their fluffly bum-bum feathers will get messy (though probably isn't always the case).
Okay, her abdomen feels like it could possibly have fluid in it, but more bloated. Could it be something else? Or is it most likely water belly? When she pecked near the floor, she was somewhat at an angle, but also seemed to have her back a little even and streching her neck. Her vent area and feathers are neat and clean for the most part. She just pooped and it's watery and white.
Okay, her abdomen feels like it could possibly have fluid in it, but more bloated. Could it be something else? Or is it most likely water belly? When she pecked near the floor, she was somewhat at an angle, but also seemed to have her back a little even and streching her neck. Her vent area and feathers are neat and clean for the most part. She just pooped and it's watery and white.
This still sounds like water belly, unfortunately. The bloated is from the fluid inside. The way she's standing is also from the water belly, that's why I asked if she's pecking the ground like that.
When was her last egg? Is her tail held up or down? If she has been laying soft eggs, I would give her some human calcium citrate with vitamin D, about $8 at Walmart in the vitamin aisle. Give 300-600 mg orally into her beak to swallow for up to 7 days. When I have seen water belly (ascites) I usually see yellow urates in the dropping from bile. A swollen lower belly could be water belly, fluid from a cystic right oviduct, infection or salpingitis, cancer, or fat. If I lose one, I usually will do a home necropsy to have a look at the abdominal contents. Your state vet lab can also do a more thorough necropsy.
When was her last egg?
Her last egg was about 5 days ago.

I’ve been keeping her inside since Thursday, which is when we noticed that she was acting lethargic.

I did take her to the vet, and The doctor drained her, and gave her some antibiotic after. It's been about an hour since then, and her abdomen does still seem to feel like a balloon, but seems to have gone down just a little bit.
They said that they did everything already, and that we didn't have to drain her anymore.

They also said that she has a bad heart, and this will likely keep happening, and to bring her back once it happens again.
Are there any other supplements that can help her with her heart?

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