
Got to meet Corvidae today. Picked up a couple BLRW chicks from her. Got them in the house in the brooder until tomorrow. We are cooking hotdogs on the fire tonight and i found a night crawler and gave to them. THEY ARE AFRAID OF IT!
Never seen a chick afraid of a worm.
Got to meet Corvidae today. Picked up a couple BLRW chicks from her. Got them in the house in the brooder until tomorrow. We are cooking hotdogs on the fire tonight and i found a night crawler and gave to them. THEY ARE AFRAID OF IT!
Never seen a chick afraid of a worm.
That's a freaking riot! You know why they are afraid of it? I've been giving them dried mealworms for quite a while now, so it probably shocked the daylights out of them when their treat actually moved!
I'm in oklahoma. Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain :p

Howdy! Welcome to BYC.

Got to meet Corvidae today. Picked up a couple BLRW chicks from her. Got them in the house in the brooder until tomorrow. We are cooking hotdogs on the fire tonight and i found a night crawler and gave to them. THEY ARE AFRAID OF IT!
Never seen a chick afraid of a worm.

Lucky. Her birds are drool worthy. And the worm thing made me smile - a bunch of my birds did the same thing when they were babies. Once the oldest chicks had tasted a worm, though, they were all over anything that we dropped into their cage! And if it moved, they went nuts trying to get it and keep it.

My mom's SLW thinks she's broody again. She did this yesterday, too. She figured she would just pull a day shift, though. Tonight she is actually staying on that nest, so we'll see how it goes. Is it weird if I think it's cute the way she screams at me and tries to bite me when I come near her?

And my black Wyandotte, Angel, may have chicks within the next day or two! I need to move her and her brood into a carrier to keep them safe. Hope no chickies pull a fast one and pop out tonight
Got to meet Corvidae today. Picked up a couple BLRW chicks from her. Got them in the house in the brooder until tomorrow. We are cooking hotdogs on the fire tonight and i found a night crawler and gave to them. THEY ARE AFRAID OF IT!
Never seen a chick afraid of a worm.

lol...I had a batch of chicks that were terrified of bugs. Box Elder bugs and flies are so scary...they just got moved to the big coop so I hope they don't all drop dead from fright when a bug gets close.
Happy Mother's Day!!

By chance, would anyone be interested in trying a few Icelandic hatching eggs? Lisa?
Anyone? I am going to start collecting eggs today, since our dear, awesome Sphinx is going to try incubating a few for me after the 26th, but I don't want any of these to go to waste. I'll most likely end up saving ones that I collect later on for Sphinx to use. Just a reminder, too, that I'm not sure how well these will do, given my last few runs with hatching eggs. I am very curious to see if it was just my dumb bator, though, which is why Sphinx is helping me.

Edit: Extra incentive, here. Here are a few pics of my flock, hehehe.

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Got a few pictures. Look how spoiled my girls are! It's not every chicken that gets their own drinking fountain. My brother has been doing this for them when it's hot so that they have plenty of fresh water to drink.

And they love their mud hole. Sundance, there's Lacey in the back, there. She is slowly integrating into the flock.

And now, here's my current broody lineup!

Cookie, my mom's SLW who finally stayed on the nest last night. She's by our side door. There's one egg under her, and just your TRY and take it!

Angel, who got moved into her own apartment for hatching just this morning. No pips yet. I put her behind the coop where it's nice and shady and private.

Nora is done being broody. Hide!

And Betty, the hissing wonder. I need to check the eggs under her tonight. Today is day seven - three weeks to go!

And as a bonus, here's Betty from a little over a week ago, before she got moved into her apartment. Check out that stinkeye.


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