
I picked up to very large, and well built wooden shipping crates today for $10.00. So very excited because I'm going to make my Silkies (hopefully all girls) their own little coop. My hubby looked at me sideways when I came home with them today, but I just told him, its much cheaper then the $300 plus coop you just built me. It won't be a very cute coop, not like what he built me, but I think it will be awesome. Plus I'm excited that it will be another 5 x 4 1/2 x 3 feet deep coop, that should be big enough for 4 Silkies, right? So I'm going to put the 2 crates together, and I'm going to remove the top and use the 2 crate covers that came with it to make a roof with shingles, which will make it higher. Now just where to put the door, the clean out door, and the vents. And if I have them all free ranging together during the day, will they use the same nest boxes as the others, or should I add a one inside this coop. I'm not sure it if it will really stay 100% Silkie coop, since I'm hoping that they will all free range together, and I'm going to place them run by run if that makes sense. Any suggestions would be awesome. I'm a new momma, so we are still learning.

And I'm going to draw out my last piece of fencing, and thanks to Desert I'm going to try out the PCP Pipe fence. :D

Here are my new boxes. I took the photos with my phone, and they came out looking so much smaller then what they measure out to be.

You and Lisa had better not go to any poultry shows together. You guys would be the highest level of enablers!

I will save some eggs for you, then! Now we just need to figure out a way to get them to you.

For everyone - I need the experts on Frizzles. The frizzle gene manifests itself pretty early in a chick's life, doesn't it? Or can it show up when they are a little older? My little BSL, who is about 4 weeks old, give or take a bit, has some crazy feathers poking out right now. I'll get a picture tomorrow, but it made me wonder if she could have the gene. I noticed it yesterday.
LOL....so true about Lisa and I!!

Guess I better make a chicken/egg run to grab the blue AM roo of Lisa's and can grab the eggs from you at the same time. Can't quite remember where each of you live, except up north.... right
. This weekend hubby is going to Lagoon with his daughter's dance studio. I can come with him and then drive over/up/down and grab them, and see each of your set-ups. So excited!!!
If Saturday doesn't work I can drive up whenever is good for us all. Please PM me your phone number.


STOP teasing, I have 20+ chickens I am still trying to weed through and decide who I love the mostest
These are definitely irreistable! See my question below for you Mesha....

CHRISTINA---I have been lazy and not put up an ad yet on KSL, I still have the Blue Am boy, he is a true Am from SQ Stock, same as my blue one I had at chickenstock. This one came from a really big very blue egg (of course, the roosters always do!!) so he would be great for use in breeding...he came from cowgirl. You sure can have him!

I have also a very light lavender EE **male** (not positive, but rehoming it still), that came from a blue egg, if you need a buddy for him

Also going on KSL this week: A dark partridge turken female born 4/26, 2 McMurray EE females, born 4/26, the lav EE above born the first part of April, same with the Blue Am male listed above.....

Lastly, I have what I thought was a blue COPPER marans chick, but I misunderstood and it is Blue CUCKOO marans, it is gorgeous, but looks boyish...I was sure it was blue copper because the eggs was so dark, if it turns out to be male is anybody interested in it? I should know in the next few weeks. It is really light blue with barring so it is turning out really pretty, I hate to KSL that one if someone could use him, wouldn't he make blue sex-linked blue babies if crossed with a Marans? Mesha do you know if the blue barred works the same as the black barred? I will get a pic on here.
YES Lisa..... I'll take him!!!!
Please read message above to Whit about Lagoon this Saturday. If that works please let me know. Please PM me your phone number.

Thanks!!!! YAY!!!!!

Lisa, sadly, I did sell the hamburg mix. I sure wish it'd gone to someone here- I would've loved to have known how she turned out.

I have to admit I really get the giggles over Lisa and Desert Springs at a chicken show together. I'd love to come along for the ride.

Pawtrait is right- for sexlinks, hen is the barred one, rooster is the solid.

Red, I haven't raised very many frizzles, but it was pretty obvious within 2 weeks that they were frizzles in my limited experience.
Aw Sphinx,
LOL... don't think we have room enough in one vehicle, for all the purchases, if Casa and I go together. Neither one of us can pass up those precious little faces!!
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I picked up to very large, and well built wooden shipping crates today for $10.00. So very excited because I'm going to make my Silkies (hopefully all girls) their own little coop. My hubby looked at me sideways when I came home with them today, but I just told him, its much cheaper then the $300 plus coop you just built me. It won't be a very cute coop, not like what he built me, but I think it will be awesome. Plus I'm excited that it will be another 5 x 4 1/2 x 3 feet deep coop, that should be big enough for 4 Silkies, right? So I'm going to put the 2 crates together, and I'm going to remove the top and use the 2 crate covers that came with it to make a roof with shingles, which will make it higher. Now just where to put the door, the clean out door, and the vents. And if I have them all free ranging together during the day, will they use the same nest boxes as the others, or should I add a one inside this coop. I'm not sure it if it will really stay 100% Silkie coop, since I'm hoping that they will all free range together, and I'm going to place them run by run if that makes sense. Any suggestions would be awesome. I'm a new momma, so we are still learning.

And I'm going to draw out my last piece of fencing, and thanks to Desert I'm going to try out the PCP Pipe fence. :D

Here are my new boxes. I took the photos with my phone, and they came out looking so much smaller then what they measure out to be.

Hi Silly,

So nice meeting you and having a face to go with the name!!

Great idea with the crates.... these chickens have made us all inventors...lol.

I'll go take pics of the PVC right now for you and Sphinx.
Hi Silly,

So nice meeting you and having a face to go with the name!!

Great idea with the crates.... these chickens have made us all inventors...lol.

I'll go take pics of the PVC right now for you and Sphinx.
Thanks, I told my husband about it, and he gave me that look like I was totally nuts. He even said why don't I just go buy you some nice chain link fence panels, because after you swear at them for a week, yes he said it would take me a week before I gave up on the fence.
But I'm determined to get it done. And I think I'm going to build a smaller run for the new coop right next to the other run for the new coop. But I'm hoping that they will all just get along and share, my youngest are 2 weeks old and the oldest chicks are 6 weeks old. So hopefully they will all take to each other pretty well free ranging. But I totally think I scored on those shipping crates, $10.00 for that nice lumber already 3/4 the way done was a total score.
Silly, that shipping crate looks fantastic. Great find.

Do you think it's possible for a chicken to be scared to death? I just went out to check on my birds and discovered my legbar roo had dropped over dead. He was fine 2 hours ago when I did my morning "Are the cows in *MY* pasture?" check. Has been a very good, healthy, vibrant rooster. My next door neighbor has had a backhoe out there for the past hour or so, spreading sand around her field. The backhoe would've come within a foot or two of my enclosure, and was working within 20 feet of my run. I couldn't find any obvious injuries, and besides, all the neighborhood kids have been at school, so nobody around to wreak havoc. Like I said before, he's been totally healthy. It's difficult to tell, but it almost looked like his neck feathers had been ruffled up, the way they do when they're trying to be aggressive, and he was right near the fenceline closest to where the heavy equipment was working.

Meanwhile, I'm really upset- I adored this rooster. He was such a sweet boy to his girls, and so beautiful.
Silly, that shipping crate looks fantastic. Great find.

Do you think it's possible for a chicken to be scared to death? I just went out to check on my birds and discovered my legbar roo had dropped over dead. He was fine 2 hours ago when I did my morning "Are the cows in *MY* pasture?" check. Has been a very good, healthy, vibrant rooster. My next door neighbor has had a backhoe out there for the past hour or so, spreading sand around her field. The backhoe would've come within a foot or two of my enclosure, and was working within 20 feet of my run. I couldn't find any obvious injuries, and besides, all the neighborhood kids have been at school, so nobody around to wreak havoc. Like I said before, he's been totally healthy. It's difficult to tell, but it almost looked like his neck feathers had been ruffled up, the way they do when they're trying to be aggressive, and he was right near the fenceline closest to where the heavy equipment was working.

Meanwhile, I'm really upset- I adored this rooster. He was such a sweet boy to his girls, and so beautiful.
That makes me so sad reading this.
I'm so very sorry. I don't know if that can happen, but I had a cat that had a heart attack when they re-roofed our roof. They were up there making so much noise that she was really freaking out about it, and then she started shaking really bad and stopped breathing, I ran her to the vet and they said that she had suffered a heart attack, they tried everything, but she was like in a coma like state, and after she was there overnight with no improvement, we had to let her go, but he said that the noise could have scared her that bad to suffer the heart attack. I felt so bad, like it was my fault. I'm so very sorry. Sending you hugs...
Thanks, I told my husband about it, and he gave me that look like I was totally nuts. He even said why don't I just go buy you some nice chain link fence panels, because after you swear at them for a week, yes he said it would take me a week before I gave up on the fence.
But I'm determined to get it done. And I think I'm going to build a smaller run for the new coop right next to the other run for the new coop. But I'm hoping that they will all just get along and share, my youngest are 2 weeks old and the oldest chicks are 6 weeks old. So hopefully they will all take to each other pretty well free ranging. But I totally think I scored on those shipping crates, $10.00 for that nice lumber already 3/4 the way done was a total score.

My husband thought I was nuts too and suggested the chain link panels also, but when I explained that 1 inch chicken wire needed to go on it still to keep the babies in and small predators out .... and now that he's seen it he agrees with me. The price is still the same but since my entire place will have white vinyl fencing, white horse panels and white trim painted on all the outbuildings he agrees the white PVC is a hit!!!

I just took some pics.... will post them following.
Silly, that shipping crate looks fantastic. Great find.

Do you think it's possible for a chicken to be scared to death? I just went out to check on my birds and discovered my legbar roo had dropped over dead. He was fine 2 hours ago when I did my morning "Are the cows in *MY* pasture?" check. Has been a very good, healthy, vibrant rooster. My next door neighbor has had a backhoe out there for the past hour or so, spreading sand around her field. The backhoe would've come within a foot or two of my enclosure, and was working within 20 feet of my run. I couldn't find any obvious injuries, and besides, all the neighborhood kids have been at school, so nobody around to wreak havoc. Like I said before, he's been totally healthy. It's difficult to tell, but it almost looked like his neck feathers had been ruffled up, the way they do when they're trying to be aggressive, and he was right near the fenceline closest to where the heavy equipment was working.

Meanwhile, I'm really upset- I adored this rooster. He was such a sweet boy to his girls, and so beautiful.

Oh, Sphinx, I am so very sorry!!!!!
I do think the Legbars are much more fragile, from my experience, and maybe he ran into the fence and burst some internal organ. Maybe they can be frightened so badly their heart stops. I know the heavies can and do have heart attacks because of their size, but not your Legbar.

This makes me so sad!!!

My grown Legbar roo is a total sweetheart too!!!

I know this is premature with you still grieving, but do you have a backup roo for his girls??
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Silly and Sphinx,

Here are some of my runs, still in progress.... railroad ties will go around the perimeter for more protection.... I wanted to sink the wire but high temps hit too soon. The trailer in the background is my new 'oilfield mancamp' to be converted into coops with runs. To the right is the old man-camp trailer. Once finished they will all be encased in matching bat and board covering.

I started with 1 1/4" PVC but the fitting would'nt fit over the T-posts that support the runs so I ended up with 2" by the time I achieved what I wanted.

This is the door.... 3/4 inch PVC woven in the wire and wire tied. I used 45 degree elbows for the top and bottom. Here's NuRoo (my Legbar) and one of his temp wives to keep him company.

Here's inside. This is Mister's coop (my Welsummer). He's wondering why I'm in his coop without permission!!

Here's an older pic of NuRoo when the Wels hens hadn't been moved in with Mister yet.
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