
If anyone is out on the town looking to pick up chicks, the Cal Ranch in Tooele has some in. Looks like Gold Sex-links, Black Sex-links, Buff Orpingtons, and a couple other that I didn't look too closely at. One bin was probably Rhode Island Red. They also had a few turkeys and a plethora of ducklings.....trying to talk DH into another one.....

The TSC in Stansbury had some ducks and Cornish X chicks when we stopped in there the other day. Those CX's are sure funny to watch. As soon as I refill their feed dish now, they're all climbing over each other to stand in the food and eat.

If anyone happens to see white turkeys at the IFA on 2100 s, would you please give me a shout? Or the Cal Ranch in West Jordan. Thanks much!
Hi Everyone!

I have been lurking/stalking this page for the past couple months and realized that if I ever had a question or concern no one would know who I am. I feel like I know people here, but no one even knows that I exist so it's time to come out of the shadows.

My name is Tandy and live in Davis Co. This is my first go around with chickens - do to the fact that we have never lived on property big enough to own any. So now that we've moved up to Syracuse we've got enough space to finally go chicken crazy. We currently have 10,
4-week old chicks and my only complaint is that my home is currently poop factory central. I knew there would be lots of poop, but holy cow! I clean out the brooder and 1 hour later it looks like I never touched it.

We didn't know which breed we wanted to start with so we decided on a mixed flock of 7 different breeds. 'It's fun seeing all the different personalities of each bird and I have to say my 2 favorite have turned out to be a Speckled Sussex name "Rosita Kissy Lips" (looks like she is wearing red lipstick) and an Americana we named "Vigil" (she is always alert for danger - but loves being held and getting scratches).

Anyways, I looked forward to being more involved on this board and getting to know everyone. Have a great Day!

I keep forgetting to say so, but for those of you who've known me for a while, DH and I are the proud new owners of a little house in Delta. Yay! Our plan is to fix it up an move down there within a couple of years, but if we find work opportunities before then, we may just up and move to put distance between us and the ex wife. So unless anyone here is from Millard County, it looks like I will be holding down the fort in that region :)
Welcome @Tandy B ! Glad you could join us

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: IFA is doing their chick sales this week Buy 3 chicks get one free. Mix & match
lots of other chick related deals. through the 14th of the month. mmmmmm pie.
Did you know you can special order chicks through them/ yep. .
Hey Lady… thanks for the heads up on the IFA deal(s).

AND I have seen these type of things show up here from time to time and I just get a chuckle out of them. Enough so that I have decided to join the exalted ones whom are able to declare ~ "THE CHICKENS ARE FED!"

Felt like spring out there today…

Best to all and your birds,


Edit: Sorry Tandy… perhaps you should avert your eyes until you know me better.

On second look my tan needs improving.
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Hey Lady… thanks for the heads up on the IFA deal(s). AND I have seen these type of things show up here from time to time and I just get a chuckle out of them. Enough so that I have decided to join the exalted ones whom are able to declare ~ "THE CHICKENS ARE FED!" Felt like spring out there today… Best to all and your birds, RJ
Haha!!! RJ, you are a rugged man. This is awesome!
I keep forgetting to say so, but for those of you who've known me for a while, DH and I are the proud new owners of a little house in Delta. Yay! Our plan is to fix it up an move down there within a couple of years, but if we find work opportunities before then, we may just up and move to put distance between us and the ex wife. So unless anyone here is from Millard County, it looks like I will be holding down the fort in that region :)

My dad has property in Leamington, so I'm down that way sometimes.
Rcstanley - Yay! A neighbor! Even if it's only now and then, I'll take it ;)

Welcome, Tandy! We're glad you decided to say hello :) Welcome to the awesome world of fluff butts :D

RJ, yer making me giggle over here. Now I must find a picture of equal worth to join the "chickens are fed" club!

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