Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Another thing: milk has been shown to steal vitamin d or calcium (can't remember what it is exactly) from bones. I'm not a vegan just for the sake of the animals, but also for health reasons.
I have no idea where you heard that, but it simply isn't true.
Hey I started a thread and hopefully we can start with a clean slate without some of the arguing and just share things with each other

I started by sharing my husband's favorite vegan recipe that we'll be having for dinner tonight. I'm a vegetarian (pesce now I suppose) which started on doctor's orders but became a great lifestyle for me. Now my doctor's orders are to start eating salmon so I'm a vegetarian that has salmon once a week (long story and if you really want details send me a message). My husband eats meat, and so do a lot of my friends. I don't think it's my place to tell other people how to eat, just like I don't think meat eaters should be able to tell me I'm going to die emaciated and nutrient-starved if I don't eat meat. Anyway, that's my story and I hope some of you join me over at the new thread.
Calves are bawling because they are hungry. I raised the darn things for years. You feed them and they shut up. I used to buy drop calves (newborns) and raised them up to 250 or 300 pounds. There is a lot of publicity about veal crates, but you might be hard pressed to find any. For the record, most of the dairy bull calves don't live four to five months. They go to slaughter immediately. A few get fed out, but most don't. I have no idea what they are processed into at that age. They are kind of scrawny. Gallo, a large dairy complex, raises their bull calves and they are sold for beef, not veal. There was a big push to ban veal crates when I was in California a few years ago. I have no idea whether the legislation went through or not, but in any event, I don't think anyone was still using them. And no matter what kind of calves you are raising, milk fed veal or not, scours is something to be avoided.
It's true... while calves and cows may bellow for each other for a short time period when first separated, after that the mooing from calves is how they communicate to the farmer that they are hungry and want to be fed. I have raised a dairy calf as a teenager, and many a bummer lamb and goats.
I don't know why you would say the dairy industry lies when they say milk is good for you. It is good for you unless for some reason you can't tolerate it. Most of my relatives drank a lot of milk all of thier lives. Since they tend to die in their very late 90's, it couldn't be too bad for a person. The argument some have raised that humans are the only animals that drink milk after weaning is just plain silly. They don't drink it because they can't get it. Many animals will drink milk with relish if it is made available to them.
I made a Forum Website for Vegans (Vegetarians are aloud too
) Please join! Here is the link! Tell me if you have any concerns about it!
I don't know why you would say the dairy industry lies when they say milk is good for you. It is good for you unless for some reason you can't tolerate it. Most of my relatives drank a lot of milk all of thier lives. Since they tend to die in their very late 90's, it couldn't be too bad for a person. The argument some have raised that humans are the only animals that drink milk after weaning is just plain silly. They don't drink it because they can't get it. Many animals will drink milk with relish if it is made available to them.
Cats, dogs, pretty much all mammals NEVER drink milk once they leave mom! It's not normal. And don't you think it's gross to drink someone else's milk? It's not healthy! But we all have are opinions so....

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