Vicious dogs ruined my wind breaks

Very sorry to hear about this situation!

I might have a different opinion than most.. but if you’re not capable of shooting the dogs yourselves, do you have someone that can handle it for you?

We live in an extremely rural area, and sadly see so many dogs dumped. Our policy is shoot on sight. We have young children playing outside and are not willing to take any risk of having unknown dogs around. It’s a shame people don’t take better care of their animals and make it someone else’s problem, but like you’ve been told, it is your right to protect yourself and your property.
In my mind at the moment, I could do it, however I bought a really nice sling shot today with glass ammo, I will be practicing to shoot these when my mindset is not set on killing an attacker. I will be now adopting the shoot on sight policy, even if its just to hit them with glass.
I have electric netting. It is easy to move around so you can move the chickens to fresh grass without having move the coop also. If you decide to go with the electric poultry netting, get the 4 foot tall.
I live in Ga. We have snow at the moment with a significant amount of wind. But this shall pass. They actually won't come out of the coop since yesterday but for a couple mins when I am out there with them. I just came from out there and they are not wanting to venture out of their house. I will run to the HD today and get some small tarps to replace the plastic torn. Thank you for your message and encouragemtn
Clear heavy duty shower curtains from wall mart are cheap, and then you can look outside and see your girls from the house! ❤️
I am SOOO sorry you are experiencing this - both the dogs & treatment by AC/Police.

I was going to suggest a paint ball gun. The owners will quickly learn that something is going on & you may be able to track it/them to owners house. It can do major damage at close range.

I've had neighbor dogs go over the poultry netting, but think mine is only 3' tall. I like the suggestion of "training " someone else's dogs, though.

Sorry I can't offer any real advice. Thinking of you - sending hugs & a prayer!!

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